Agenda item

Appointment of Taxi/Private Hire Working Group

Report of Principal Licensing Officer


The Committee received the report of the Principal Licensing Officer to advise Members on the benefits of introducing a Taxi and Private Hire Working Group and to nominate Members to sit on the Group.


It was reported that, on 31st August 2017, the Committee had resolved to establish a Licensing Regulatory Sub-Committee to research the issues surrounding the use of different types of fire extinguishers in licensed vehicles operating in, and licensed by, Lancaster City Council.


It was recommended that it would be more appropriate to establish a Working Group to bring together individuals, including elected Members, stakeholders and Council Officers, with the relevant knowledge and skills of the subject area, who would act collectively to undertake assigned tasks and activities to ensure the continued review, development and improvement of the Council’s Taxi and Private Hire services. 


Members were advised that Council Officers were working to establish a better communication method with licensed drivers, vehicle proprietors and Private Hire operators, with a view to the issues facing the Trade being identified and discussed within a Working Group.


It was anticipated that representatives from the Trade would be invited to attend Working Group meetings, once key tasks and projects had been identified as part of the initial set-up.  The Working Group would make recommendations to the Licensing Regulatory Committee, and the recommendations or findings from the Working Group would be presented to the Licensing Regulatory Committee, in-line with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation and Constitution.


Members were requested to consider an appropriate system for nominating Members to sit on the Working Group and appoint accordingly.


It was proposed by Councillor Joan Jackson and seconded by Councillor Metcalfe:


“(1)      That a Taxi and Private Hire Working Group be established to ensure the   continued review, development and improvement of the Council’s Taxi and     Private Hire services. 


(2)        That membership of the Working Group be:


·         3 elected Members from a mix of the political groups on the Licensing Regulatory Committee, including the Chairman, who will act as Chairman of the Working Group;

·         Principal Licensing Officer;

·         Licensing Enforcement Officer;

·         1 Private Hire Representative; and

·         1 Hackney Carriage Representative.


(3)        That the Chairman liaise with Licensing Regulatory Committee members regarding membership of the Working Group and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.


(4)        That the initial focus of the Working Group be:


·         A mechanism for engagement with the Taxi Trade;

·         Fire extinguishers in licensed vehicles; and

·         Annual Hackney Carriage fare review.”


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




(1)        That a Taxi and Private Hire Working Group be established to ensure the   continued review, development and improvement of the Council’s Taxi and     Private Hire services. 


(2)        That membership of the Working Group be:


·         3 elected Members from a mix of the political groups on the Licensing Regulatory Committee, including the Chairman, who will act as Chairman of the Working Group;

·         Principal Licensing Officer;

·         Licensing Enforcement Officer;

·         1 Private Hire Representative; and

·         1 Hackney Carriage Representative.


(3)        That the Chairman liaise with Licensing Regulatory Committee members regarding membership of the Working Group and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.


(4)        That the initial focus of the Working Group be:


·         A mechanism for engagement with the Taxi Trade;

·         Fire extinguishers in licensed vehicles; and

·         Annual Hackney Carriage fare review.

Supporting documents: