Agenda item

Budget Framework 2018 to 2022

To consider the report of Cabinet


The Mayor explained that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 20.7, which was introduced in February 2014 to comply with regulations, a recorded vote would be taken in respect of budget setting, and recommendations (1) & (2) of the report would be ‘budget decisions’ within the terms of the regulations.


Councillor Whitehead presented a report setting out Cabinet’s budget proposals and responded to questions from Members.  The Chief Officer (Resources) also responded to Member’s questions. 


Councillor Hanson advised the meeting that she would provide a written answer to Councillor Hamilton-Cox to update him with regard to Bold Street. 


Councillor Whitehead moved, seconded by Councillor Blamire:


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report be approved with the following updated recommendations to 2(a) & 2(c):


2(a)   That the supporting General Fund revenue budget proposals be approved, as summarised at Annexes 1(i) and (ii), but with the addition of a budget of £30,000 to be used to implement the recommendations of the working group set up to reduce the use of plastic bottles and disposable cups, with the budget being financed from the Budget Support Reserve and its allocation being delegated to the Chief Officer (Environment) in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.


2(b)    That the Policy and Statement on Provisions and Reserves be approved as set out at Annexes (4) and (5), allowing for the additional Budget Support Reserve adjustment included at 2(a) above.”


The Mayor informed Council that he had been given notice of alternative budget proposals from the Conservative Group.  Papers containing the proposals had been circulated at the start of the meeting. 


By way of an amendment, Councillor Peter Williamson moved the proposals, seconded by Councillor Gardiner (figures are appended to these minutes):


“(1)   That Council rescinds the following decision taken on 31 January regarding council tax (minute 104):


-       the approval of a City Council tax increase of 2.99% for 2018/19, together with a year on year target of 2.99% for future years, subject to local referendum thresholds, be approved.


15 signatories had signed the motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.1 of the Council’s Constitution, which stated that:  “A motion or amendment to rescind a decision made at a meeting of Council within the past 6 months cannot be moved unless the notice of motion is signed by at least 15 members, being a quorum of the Council.”)


(2)          That in place of that earlier decision, Council approves a freeze in the City Council tax rate for 2018/19, together with a target for a year on year freeze for future years.


(3)          That to fit with the above, a General Fund Revenue Budget of £15.941M for 2018/19 be approved, resulting in a Council Tax Requirement of £8.816M excluding parish precepts, and a Band D basic City Council tax rate of £213.97.


(4)          That the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) be approved as set out at Appendix A, subject to it being amended to reflect the following:


a.          That the amended General Fund revenue budget proposals (as attached) be approved.


b.          That the Housing Revenue Account budgets and future years’ projections be approved, as set out at Annex 3, but the future of the service be subject to appraisal regarding its future transfer to a housing association (as attached).


c.           That the Policy and Statement on Provisions and Reserves as set out at Annexes 4 and 5 be approved, but subject to amendment in line with the attached.


d.          That the General Fund Capital Programme as set out at Annex 6 be approved, but subject to amendment in line with the attached.


e.          That the Council Housing Capital Programme for 2018/19 be approved, as set out at Annex 7, subject to the outcome of appraisal regarding its future transfer to a housing association (as attached).


f.            That the budget transfer (virements and carry forwards) limits be approved, as set out at Annex 8.


(5)          That Council notes the Section 151 Officer’s advice regarding robustness of budget estimates, the adequacy of reserves and balances and the affordability of borrowing.”


There was a lengthy debate and at the conclusion of the debate a recorded vote was requested in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19.4.


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment and it was lost.  The outcome of the recorded vote was:


For the proposition

Councillors Bateson, Cooper, Edwards, Gardiner, Goodrich, Guilding, Helme, Joan Jackson, Mace, Parkinson, Rogerson, Sykes, Thomas, Wild, Peter Williamson, Phillippa Williamson and Yates (17)


Against the proposition

Councillors Armstrong, Atkinson, Barry, Biddulph, Blamire, Brayshaw, Brown, Bryning, Burns, Clift, Cozler, Denwood, Devey, Frea, Hall, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Hartley, Hughes, Caroline Jackson, Kay, Kershaw, Knight, Leyshon, Metcalfe, Mills, Novell, Parr, Pattison, Redfern, Reynolds, Scott, Thynne, Warriner, Whitaker, Whitehead, Wilkinson (37)



Councillor Ashworth (1)


(The meeting adjourned at 7.55pm and reconvened at 8.05pm)


The Green Group had submitted a paper with six amendments, which had been distributed to Councillors.  Each amendment was proposed in turn, the first amendment by Councillor Hamilton-Cox, seconded by Councillor Novell:


“(1) Relief of extreme poverty (£20k) - The Greens propose that the City Council should allocate £20k in the 18-19 budget to fund vouchers for food and utilities through the local Citizen Advice Bureau offices in Lancaster and Morecambe, contingent on city council and CAB agreeing detailed criteria for their distribution.

Financed by removing the £20k for the review of the constitution. Review to be carried out by the next legal officer as part of their duties.”


This was not accepted as a friendly amendment by Councillors Whitehead and Blamire.  There was a short debate before a vote was taken and the amendment was clearly lost.


Councillor Barry proposed the next amendment, seconded by Councillor Mills:


“(2) Secondary Parks fund of £30,000 - Williamson Park is in good condition and has good infrastructure.  However, many other parks (e.g. Scotch Quarry, Quay Meadow, Greaves Park) are either in a poor condition in terms of infrastructure or receive little or no cleansing.  This money could be used to improve the infrastructure of our parks (e.g. paths) and/or to improve their cleanliness.


Financed by reducing expenditure on Marketing from £75k to £45k.”


This was not accepted as a friendly amendment.  There was a short debate before a vote was taken and the amendment was clearly lost.


Councillor Novell proposed the third Green Group amendment, seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson:


“(3) Additional sup[port for Voluntary Sector organisations of £30K - The City Council should increase its support to Voluntary Sector organisations dealing with the effects of Universal Credit.  The organisations to benefit from this money should be decided after a report to Cabinet.


Financed by Welfare Reforms Reserve (currently 93k)”


This was not accepted as a friendly amendment.  A vote was taken on the amendment which was clearly lost.


Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed amendments 4, 5 & 6, seconded by Councillor Barry:


The money for amendments 4) to 6) will be sourced from the business rates retention reserve (£4.666m at 31-03-2018) and £200k transferred to a new 'localising the economy' reserve. This in turn will be the source for funding feasibility work - in partnership as described below - on programmes to develop sustainable building skills and Gigabit city.  The promotion of local procurement already has £20k earmarked but the reserve could be drawn on for this purpose too.

(4) Pump-priming sustainable homes skills development (£50k) - This proposal would need to be subject to a report to Full Council to develop the idea but need to have resources identified now. Can be about both design and build of new homes, and retro-fitting existing homes: latter is probably more important. The project would link in with Lancaster & Morecambe college and Lancaster University.

Financed from ‘localising the economy’ reserve.”

(5)  Digital Lancaster - identifying and helping to deliver office space requirements of growing digital businesses.

(6) Digital Lancaster - Gigabit city. Superfast broadband provision in urban areas, but especially for local digital businesses.

Financed from ‘localising the economy’ reserve.”

Amendments 4, 5 & 6 were not accepted as friendly amendments by Councillors Whitehead and Blamire.  After a short debate a vote was taken and amendments 4, 6 & 6 were lost.


There were no further amendments and a recorded vote was taken on the original budget proposals as set out in the report, with updated recommendations to 2(a) & (c).

For the proposition

Councillors Armstrong, Atkinson, Biddulph, Blamire, Brayshaw, Brown, Bryning, Burns, Clift, Cozler, Denwood, Devey, Frea, Hall, Hanson, Hartley, Hughes, Kay, Kershaw, Leyshon, Metcalfe, Parr, Pattison, Redfern, Reynolds, Scott, Thynne, Warriner, Whitaker and Whitehead. (30)

Against the proposition

Councillors Bateson, Cooper, Edwards, Gardiner, Goodrich, Guilding, Joan Jackson, Novell, Parkinson, Rogerson, Sykes, Wilkinson, Peter Williamson, Phillippa Williamson and Yates. (15)


Councillors Ashworth, Barry, Hamilton-Cox, Caroline Jackson, Knight, Mace, and Mills. (7)



(1)               That the General Fund Revenue Budget of £16.204M for 2018/19 be approved, resulting in a Council Tax Requirement of £9.079M excluding parish precepts, and a Band D basic City Council tax rate of £220.36.


(2)               That the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) be approved as set out at Appendix A, subject to Council agreeing the following:


(a)           That the supporting General Fund revenue budget proposals be approved,  as summarised at Annexes 1(i) and (ii), but with the addition of a budget of £30,000 to be used to implement the recommendations of the working group set up to reduce the use of plastic bottles and disposable cups, with the budget being financed from the Budget Support Reserve and its allocation being delegated to the Chief Officer (Environment) in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.


(b)           That the Housing Revenue Account budgets and future years’ projections be approved, as set out at Annex 3.



(c)          That the Policy and Statement on Provisions and Reserves be approved     as set out at Annexes (4) and (5), allowing for the additional Budget Support Reserve adjustment included at 2(a) above.


(d)           That the General Fund Capital Programme be approved, as set out at   Annex 6.


(e)           That the Council Housing Capital Programme be approved, as set out at Annex 7.


(f)             That the budget transfer (virements and carry forwards) limits be approved, as set out at Annex 8.


(3)            That Council notes the Section 151 Officer’s advice regarding robustness of budget estimates, the adequacy of reserves and balances and the affordability of borrowing.












Supporting documents: