Agenda item

Budget Update 2018/19 to 2021/22

To consider the report of Cabinet.


Councillor Clifford, having previously declared an interest in relation to recommendation (ii) of the following item under Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, did not take part in debate or vote on that issue. 


The Mayor reminded Members that recommendation (1)(ii) in the report regarding the setting of a City Council tax increase was a budget decision, hence a recorded vote would need to be taken on that particular proposal.


A report from Cabinet, introduced by Councillor Whitehead, updated Councillors on the latest position regarding the development of the budget and policy framework for 2018/19 to 2021/22. The report sought approval for the level of council tax increase for 2018/19 together with targets for subsequent years, subject to local referendum thresholds.


Members asked a number of questions, which Councillor Whitehead and the Chief Officer (Resources) responded to.


Councillor Whitehead, seconded by Councillor Bryning, invited constructive feedback on the proposals in the report and proposed:


“That recommendations (i) and (ii), as set out in the report, be approved.


During debate, the following issues were raised as ‘feedback’.


·         That funds be made available for ‘secondary parks’ such as Scotch Quarry to address infrastructure and litter picking issues. The suggestion was for a £30,000 fund.


·         That £20,000 be allocated to distribute to people in need via the Citizens’ Advice Bureau and that the funds be administered by way of a voucher system, not cash.


·         That Cabinet seek to reduce the anticipated spend on consultants in 2018/19.


Councillor Edwards, seconded by Joan Jackson, put forward an amendment for recommendation (ii):


“That Council Tax for 2018/19 be frozen, with a year on year target of 0% for future years.


The Mayor called for a vote on the amendment. The required number of Councillors requested a recorded vote at that point, in accordance with Council procedure rule 19.4. The votes were recorded as follows:


For the amendment:

Councillors Ashworth, Charles, Edwards, Gardiner, Goodrich, Guilding, Jackson (Joan), Knight, Parkinson, Rogerson, Sykes, Thomas, Wild, Williamson (Peter) Williamson (Phillippa) and Yates (16).

Against the amendment:

Councillors Armstrong, Atkinson, Barry, Biddulph, Blamire, Brayshaw, Brookes, Brown, Bryning, Burns, Clifford, Cozler, Denwood, Devey, Frea, Hall, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Hartley, Hughes, Jackson (Caroline), Kay, Kershaw, Metcalfe, Mills, Parr, Pattison, Redfern, Reynolds, Sands, Scott, Thynne, Warriner, Whitaker, Whitehead, Wilkinson (36).


Councillors Mace and Novell (2).


The amendment was clearly lost.


A recorded vote was then taken on the original proposition:-


For the amendment:

Councillors Armstrong, Atkinson, Biddulph, Blamire, Brayshaw, Brookes, Brown, Bryning, Burns, Clifford, Cozler, Denwood, Devey, Frea, Hall, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Hartley, Hughes, Kay, Kershaw, Metcalfe, Parr, Pattison, Redfern, Reynolds, Sands, Scott, Thynne, Warriner, Whitaker, Whitehead, Wilkinson (33).

Against the amendment:

Councillors Ashworth, Charles, Edwards, Gardiner, Goodrich, Guilding, Jackson (Joan), Knight, Parkinson, Rogerson, Sykes, Thomas, Wild, Williamson (Peter) Williamson (Phillippa) and Yates (16).


Councillors Barry, Jackson (Caroline), Mace, Mills and Novell (5).


The proposition was clearly carried.




(1)     That, having considered the information provided at Annexes 1 and 2 of the report in respect of the budget, Council:


(i)      approves the 2017/18 Revised Budget, with the net overspending of £222K being met from balances;


(ii)      approves a City Council tax increase of 2.99% for 2018/19, together with a year on year target of 2.99% for future years, subject to Government confirming local referendum thresholds.

Supporting documents: