Agenda item

Budget and Policy Framework Update 2017-21

Cabinet will present its Budget and Policy Framework Proposals for the period 2017/18 to 2010/21.


The Cabinet Report for the meeting to be held on 17th January 2017 and more information on Cabinet's specific proposals will be circulated prior to the meeting.


Councillor Anne Whitehead, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Revenues & Benefits, presented the City Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Update 2017-21.


The Cabinet Member advised the Panel that the budget proposals had been considered at the meeting of Cabinet on the 17th January 2017. The Panel was informed that, due to continued cutbacks in funding for local authorities by Central Government’s, the City Council had been forced to budget for large amounts of savings in 2016/17 and beyond. A large number of savings proposals, which included service efficiencies and reductions, income generation and invest-to-save, had being implemented. There was also a small amount of money allocated to growth proposals.  Balanced budgets had been set for 2016/17 and 2017/18, however, the Panel was advised that additional large amounts of savings would need to be made in 2018/19 and beyond.


Councillor Anne Whitehead invited questions from the Panel, Councillors and Stakeholders.


The Panel asked a number of questions regarding Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) on growth items, strategic reviews and restructuring, how the City Council was promoting the Bay Gateway, Salt Ayre and how this may be affected by the proposed trampoline park in Morecambe. Members also asked questions regarding the Bailrigg Garden Village, the £500,000 reserves in the budget earmarked for economic development and the Community Housing Fund.


Councillors asked a number of questions relating to the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP), budget saving on street cleansing how these would be achieved and the impacts on the service of additional residential development in the district. Members also asked questions on solar farms, zero based budgeting, borrowing on the Capital Programme, interest payments, business rates and renewable energy schemes.


It was then proposed by Councillor Wilkinson and seconded by Councillor Gardiner:-


“(1) That the report be noted and Councillor Anne Whitehead be thanked for her presentation and attendance at the meeting.


(2)    That more detailed information be provided prior to Budget Council regarding Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in relation to new posts proposed as growth items within the Budget Proposals.


(3)    That further information be provided prior to Budget Council regarding any spending plans and/or proposed criteria for using the £500,000 reserve to be earmarked specifically for supporting economic growth.


(4)    That regular updates on Salt Ayre be provided to the Panel as part of quarterly monitoring reporting.


Upon being put to the vote Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Vice-Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




(1) That the report be noted and Councillor Anne Whitehead be thanked for her presentation and attendance at the meeting.


(2)    That more detailed information be provided prior to Budget Council regarding Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in relation to new posts proposed as growth items within the Budget Proposals.


(3)    That further information be provided prior to Budget Council regarding any spending plans and/or proposed criteria for using the £500,000 reserve to be earmarked specifically for supporting economic growth.


(4)    That regular updates on Salt Ayre be provided to the Panel as part of quarterly monitoring reporting.


Supporting documents: