Agenda item

Work Programme Report

Report of Chief Executive.


The Principal Democratic Support Officer submitted a report to update Members on the Panel’s Work Programme.  Members were asked to consider whether they would like to include any further items on the Work Programme. 


It was reported that, at its meeting on the 21st September 2016, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered adding an item to its Work Programme on the evaluation of Council Housing.  Members were advised that this had also been discussed by the Panel under its Work Programme item on the Repairs and Maintenance Service (RMS).  The Committee had agreed that, to avoid duplication of work, this should be dealt with under the Panel’s Work Programme and that Members of Overview and Scrutiny be invited to the meeting of the Panel to ask questions when this would be discussed. 


At the same meeting the Overview and Scrutiny Committee discussed an item on its Work Programme regarding ‘Savings Options to be Explored’, which was circulated at Council on the 2nd March 2016 and included Service Reviews.  It was agreed by the Committee that this issue was within the Terms of Reference of the Panel and therefore, to avoid duplication, it should be considered within the Panel’s Work Programme. 


The Panel agreed that both these items would be added to its Work Programme. 


Members had previously requested that an item on pensions be added to the Work Programme.  It was noted that officers were still waiting to be notified by the County Council on the results of the latest Pensions Fund triennial review.  Members were advised that, when this information was received, officers would produce a briefing note for the Panel. 


Members then considered the Panel’s Work Programme item on the Customer Services Strategy.  The Panel felt that it would be more appropriate if this and any future complaints policy issues be considered and referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


Members discussed ICT issues and the feasibility of an out of hours ICT Service Desk for Members who were unable to utilise the service during normal office hours due to work commitments.  The Panel also discussed the implementation of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and requested that training be provided to all Members prior to its implementation. 


With regard to litter enforcement it was noted that an update would be provided through the budget process. 


Members considered the timescales for scrutiny of the budget and whether there would be an opportunity for the Panel to scrutinise the budget other than at the annual stakeholder meeting of the Panel in January 2017.  Officers advised that it would be fed back to Cabinet Members to explore and consider. 




(1)       That the report be noted. 


(2)       That Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members be invited to the Panel’s meeting to ask questions when considering the Repairs and Maintenance Service.


(3)       That an item regarding Savings Options to be Explored, referred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee be added to the Panel’s Work Programme. Updates on these options to be included in the usual reporting arrangements on the budget process, with the Panel’s January meeting focusing on scrutiny of the budget.


(4)       That an update on the CorVu system be provided to the Panel as soon as practicable. 


(5)       That a briefing note on the feasibility of an out of hours ICT Support Service be circulated to the Panel. 


(6)       That training be provided to all Members on the implementation of Bring your Own Device (BYOD). 


(7)       That an update, by way of a briefing note, on the Procurement Strategy be circulated to the Panel. The briefing note to include reference to Council resolutions and what has been undertaken to action these. 


(8)       That the Customer Services Strategy and any future complaints policy issues be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider. 


(9)       That it be noted that the Community Resilience evening would be held on Thursday, 10th November 2016 at Lancaster Town Hall commencing at 7.00 pm with all Members of Council invited to attend. 




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