Agenda item

Canal Corridor North Dukes Capital Scheme Development

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Hanson & Clifford)


Report of Chief Officer (Regeneration


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Hanson & Clifford)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning) which advised Cabinet of progress regarding the development of the proposed Dukes capital scheme, as part of Canal Corridor North, and to consider a role for the Council as applicant and accountable body for Arts Council England funding.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: The Council acts as accountable body for a new arts and cultural venue as part of the CCN scheme, subject to conditions

Option 2: The Council does not act as accountable body for a new arts and cultural venue as part of the CCN scheme.


Improved chance of  a successful application for ACE funding


Development of a new cultural partnership, influencing and providing leadership for the future development of arts and culture in the district


Subject to funding, the potential development of a creative hub in the city, generating new ideas and practices, representing a step change in cultural provision


Subject to funding, a potentially positive impact on the wider CCN development in terms of attractiveness, footfall and tenant interest


Subject to funding, significant potential economic impact for the city and the district


Subject to funding, improved long term sustainability of a new operational model


Resources to manage the Council’s accountable body role, not required


No direct risks associated with the responsibilities for external funding


Allows any other possible options to be considered


Staff resources are required to manage the accountable body role and to play an active role in the development of the Stage 1 bid and detailed proposals for a potential Stage 2 application








Chances of a successful application for ACE funding significantly reduced


Increased likelihood that the Dukes scheme, as it stands, cannot be delivered


Lost opportunity to influence a transformational change in arts and culture provision in the city and to ensure economic and social outcomes are achieved


Lost opportunity to significantly improve sustainability of the longer term operational model


Lost opportunity to develop a unique, creative and influential partnership to develop the creative potential of the city and beyond, providing leadership across the sector



Headline accountable body risks are covered in Annex B

Increased to the CCN scheme as a whole, in terms of the potential loss or reduction in quality of the planned cultural venue


The officer preferred option is Option1.


The report proposes that the Council acts as accountable body, subject to conditions, for a Stage 1 (development phase) application to ACE for a new cultural venue in Lancaster.  As part of the CCN development, this would allow plans to be developed for a creative hub for the Dukes, Ludus Dance, Lancaster University cultural and learning activities and, potentially, other cultural partners. The key issues relating to the accountable body role are detailed and discussed at Annex A. 

The Council has the responsibility to ensure that proposals are right for the district, are deliverable and achieve the right results. Acting as the Local Authority, the Council has an interest in ensuring that value is added to the wider CCN scheme, economic and social outcomes for the city and the wider district are achieved and a more sustainable financial and operational model is developed.  The Council’s direct role as a strategic partner and as accountable body places it in a good position to support the development in a way that ensures the maximum benefits are achieved. 


The Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) advised Cabinet that a Stage 1 application would draw out the full business case for a cultural venue and at that stage the council would have to look very carefully at the risks it might face and over what period of time if it were to commit to longer term support for the venture.    


While there are no guarantees that a funding application at Stage 1 will be successful, all indications are that the Council acting as accountable body and lead applicant, on behalf of the partners, will provide ACE with reassurance. 


Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Clifford:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:



(1)             That the Council acts as lead applicant and accountable body for a Stage 1 (development phase) application to the Arts Council England, Large Capital Grants scheme, to support development of detailed proposals for a new cultural venue within the Canal Corridor North (CCN) development, subject to Recommendation 2 below.

(2)             That the Council ensures that quality and potential impact of the proposals for the new cultural venue are sufficient to deliver overall benefits for the Council, the wider CCN scheme, the local economy and quality of life in the district, whilst also ensuring that all management, monitoring and delivery arrangements are acceptable.

(3)             That, in order to ensure that a Stage 1 application can be submitted by the due date, the final decision on the extent to which conditions (as detailed in Recommendation 2) are met, is delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Portfolio Holders.

Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)

Chief Officer (Resources)


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with the Corporate Priority “Sustainable Economic Growth” and supports the following outcome and success measure:


·         The attractiveness and offer of the district as a place to visit or invest in will be improved;

·         Enhance Lancaster’s urban centre through investment in the built environment, heritage assets and the public realm.


Supporting documents: