Agenda item

Update on Task Groups

An update will be provided. 


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Charlie Edwards, Chairman of the Late Night Economy in the Lancaster District Informal Task Group, to the meeting.


Late Night Economy in the Lancaster District Informal Task Group


Councillor Edwards gave the Committee an update on the progress of the Late Night Economy in the Lancaster District Informal Task Group. The Task Group had agreed at its first meeting to hold a series of themed meetings focusing on :


·         Community Safety and Anti-Social Behaviour


·         Licencing


·         Trade


·         Impact on Street Cleansing


·         Health and Wellbeing


It was reported that issues that were emerging related to littering from takeaways, the night time economy blending into the day time economy, 4.00am to 6.00am were highlighted as the most problematic period of time, the serving of alcohol to people who were already drunk and problems with youths gathering within the city centre.


The Committee was advised that the City Council and Police were working together to introduce a Public Space Protection Order for Lancaster City Centre, which would give the Police more powers.


The last themed meeting was due to take place the following week with the Licensing Trade at the Apothecary in Lancaster. The Task Group would then have a final meeting to consider the recommendations to submit to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Resilience Commission Informal Task Group


Councillor Caroline Jackson, Chairman of the Resilience Commission Informal Task Group, presented the report of the Informal Task Group to the Committee. It was noted that the Task Group had met twice to consider the role of a Resilience Commission for the district and how it would operate.


It was reported that Storm Desmond had highlighted the need for local urban communities to work together in such situations and of the lack of communication that had occurred.


It was suggested that, within the boundaries of Morecambe Town Council, the Town Council be encouraged to consider and identify where community emergency centres could be located and apply for grant funding to assist with resilience. 


Members were advised that a meeting of the Commission had provisionally been arranged to take place on 10th November 2016 at Lancaster Town Hall.  It was proposed that all Members of Council be invited to attend the meeting.  The meeting had provisionally been arranged due to the timescales for making bids for funding and it was felt that the meeting should be set so that any opportunities were not missed. 


The Task Group had highlighted the need for focal points to be identified in local communities in times of disasters. Many rural areas had put plans in place for such events in the future having taken advice from the City Council’s Civil Contingencies Officer.


The Committee considered the report of the Task Group and unanimously agreed to the recommendations, as amended at the meeting, and set out below.


Resolved :-


(1)          That Councillors Edwards and Jackson be thanked for their updates on the two Informal Task Groups.


(2)        That the Chairman of the Resilience Commission Informal Task Group meets             with the Civil Contingencies Officer to discuss and   consider how a meeting of             the Commission will be arranged, including invitees and items to be discussed.

            The Task Group and all other Members of Council   be invited to attend the             meeting. 


(3)        That a meeting of the Commission be called to be held on 10th November 2016,             as set out in the Resilience Commission Informal Task Group report. 


(4)      That the meeting considers a set of geographical areas, focuses on buildings             that could be used when there is an emergency and considers funding of             improvements to buildings identified to provide power and other facilities when             there is an emergency and considers how to ensure that communications with             residents are effective at such times.