Agenda item

Work Programme Report

Report of Chief Executive. 


The Principal Democratic Support Officer requested Members to consider the Panel’s Work Programme for 2016/17. Members were asked to consider whether they would like to include any items in the Work Programme from those listed in the report.


Members noted the resolution of Council Business Committee from its meeting of 30th June 2016 “That the Budget and Performance Panel be rescheduled from Wednesday 3rd August to Tuesday, 13th September 2016”.


Members discussed invitations to Cabinet Members and agreed to continue to invite Cabinet Members to attend meetings to coincide with consideration of issues relevant to their respective portfolios.


Members discussed the viability of the pension scheme and agreed that this should be added to the Work Programme. Members agreed that representatives of Lancashire County Council’s Pensions Service would be invited to provide a presentation to the Panel.


The Panel agreed that energy expenditure, including cost of buildings and climate change emissions, would be included as part of the Corporate Performance Monitoring Report.


The Panel made a number of decisions regarding the Work Programme, as set out below:-


Work Programme Item


Annual Stakeholders Meeting

The Leader of the Council be invited to present the City Council’s budget proposals to the Panel at its 24th January 2017 Annual Stakeholder Meeting.  All members of Council and stakeholders to be invited to attend. 

Complaints Monitoring

Half yearly monitoring of the complaints procedure to be contained within the Corporate Performance Monitoring Report. 

Forthcoming Key Decision List

Members to put items for pre-scrutiny to the Pre-Scrutiny Champion of Overview and Scrutiny as and when appropriate.

Invitations to the Leader and Cabinet Members

The Leader and Cabinet Members to be invited to attend meetings of the Panel to coincide with consideration of issues relevant to their respective portfolios. 

Further, that a rolling programme of invitations be made to Cabinet Members, that they provide a briefing for the Panel and answer questions on the financial elements of their Portfolios. 

Procurement Strategy

Further pre-scrutiny prior to the updated Procurement Strategy being presented to Cabinet. 

Budget Overspends/Variances

Consideration of budget variances which may be identified when considering the annual outturn report. 

Treasury Management Strategy

The Panel’s views will be sought regarding the proposed treasury management framework for 2017/2018.

Financial Monitoring

(1)  Quarter 1 (including impact from outturn) – September 2016.

(2)  Quarter 2 (including any implications / undated for Medium Term Financial Strategy) – November 2016.

(3)  Quarter 3 (including any implications / undated for Medium Term Financial Strategy) – February 2017.

Corporate Performance Monitoring

(1)  Quarter 1 - September 2016.

(2)  Quarter 2 - November 2016.

(3)  Quarter 3 - February 2017.

Update on CorVu

The Panel will receive updates on the wider implementation of the system.

Commercial Properties

Report on Commercial Properties to be part of the Work Programme.

Litter Enforcement Service

Report on the Litter Enforcement Service to be included in the Work Programme.


Representatives of Lancashire County Council to be invited to address the Panel on Pensions.





(1)       That the re-scheduling of the meeting of the Panel from 3rd August to the 13th September 2016 be noted.


(2)       That the actions, as set out above, be agreed.

Supporting documents: