Agenda item

LGA Peer Review Action Plan

Report of the Chief Executive. 


The Chief Executive presented a report on the outcomes of the recent LGA Peer Review and the Action Plan that had been produced.


It was reported that the Review had highlighted the need for the Council to make better use of the Scrutiny function. It was suggested that Overview and Scrutiny could make a better contribution to how the Council delivered its key priorities in such ways as policy development and service reviews.


Members discussed how to best utilise Scrutiny within the Council and the following was agreed :


(1)        That Officers investigate and report back to the Committee on Lancashire             County Council’s Pre-Scrutiny process.


(2)        That, subject to (1) above, the City Council undertake an informal 6 month trial             period of a Pre-Scrutiny process based on the County Council’s model and, if             successful, make recommendations to the appropriate Committee to make             the relevant changes to the Council’s Constitution.


(3)        That the items contained in the ‘Saving Options to be Explored’ circulated at             Council on 2nd March including Service Reviews, be included in the             Committee’s future Work Programme ensuring that there was no duplication             with the Work Programme of the Budget and Performance Panel.


(4)        That Officers be requested to provide the Committee with details of decisions             that are to be taken in the forthcoming year where scrutiny could review and             options be investigated prior to the decision being made. 


(5)        That the constitutional issues regarding Overview and Scrutiny Members             viewing draft reports, as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process, be reported             back to the meeting.


The Committee received an update on the points raised in the Action Plan and asked a number of questions.


The first point in the Action Plan was to develop options to manage demand in public realm services. It was agreed that it would be useful if there was a document which  differentiated in terms of street furniture, trees etc, what the Council owned and what the County Council was responsible for and that this be circulated to the Committee.


Regarding influencing educators to develop skills for the district for the future, it was agreed that more information would be provided for the Committee.


Members discussed Risk Management and agreed that a timescale on this piece of work should be provided for the Committee.


The Committee went on to discuss the Council’s approach to digitalisation. It was agreed that a Briefing Note should be requested providing an update on what the Council’s plans were regarding digitalisation, what the obstacles were and how the Council would ensure it took place.


The final point raised by the Peer Review was to establish a mechanism for staff to feed ideas about service delivery, budget savings or income generation to management. The Committee discussed different ideas for engaging with staff and Kaizen model for continuous improvement.


It was agreed that the new Chief Executive, once in post, be requested to consider different methods of staff engagement including an incentive scheme and suggestion box for staff.


The Committee requested an update report in 6 months time.


Resolved :-


(1)          That the report be noted and that the Chief Executive be thanked for attending the meeting.


(2)          That the following actions be agreed :-


            With regard to how to best utilise Scrutiny within the Council :-


·         That Officers investigate and report back to the Committee on Lancashire County Council’s Pre-Scrutiny process.


·         That, subject to the above, the City Council undertake an informal 6 month trial period of a Pre-Scrutiny process based on the County Council’s model and, if successful, make recommendations to the appropriate Committee to make the relevant changes to the Council’s Constitution.


·         That the items contained in the ‘Saving Options to be Explored’ circulated at         Council on 2nd March 2016 including Service Reviews, be included in the Committee’s future Work Programme ensuring that there was no duplication with the Work Programme of the Budget and Performance Panel.


·         That Officers be requested to provide the Committee with details of decisions that are to be taken in the forthcoming year where scrutiny could review and options be investigated prior to the decision being made. 


·         That the constitutional issues regarding Overview and Scrutiny Members viewing draft reports, as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process, be reported back to the meeting.


·         That if there was a document which differentiated in terms of street furniture, trees etc, what the Council owned and what the County Council was responsible for, that this be circulated to the Committee.


·         Regarding influencing educators to develop skills for the district for the future, it was agreed that more information would be provided for the Committee.


·         That regarding Risk Management, a timescale on this piece of work to be provided for the Committee.


·         That a Briefing Note on the Council’s approach to digitalisation be requested to include the Council’s plans regarding digitalisation, what the obstacles were and how the Council would ensure it took place.


·         That the new Chief Executive, once in post, be requested to consider different methods of staff engagement including an incentive scheme and suggestion box for staff.


·         That an update be providedin 6 months times and that this be added to the Committee’s Work Programme.


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