Agenda item

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Training for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers

Report of the Licensing Manager


The Committee received the report of the Licensing Manager to seek approval from Members for the proposals set out in the report in relation to the delivery of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) training to all members of the hackney carriage and private hire trade; and to approve an amendment to the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing to include a condition making it a requirement for all holders of hackney carriage and private hire licences (drivers, operators and proprietors) to undergo the CSE training before a licence can be renewed.


At the meeting on 3rd September 2015, the Committee had resolved that the Licensing Manager be authorised to develop a suitable CSE training package, in conjunction with the Safeguarding Officer and the Lancashire Officers’ Group, which could be delivered to hackney carriage/private hire drivers and Members, and to report back to the Committee at a later date to seek approval of implementation of the training.


As a result of this resolution, officers had developed a package in liaison with neighbouring authorities and police officers from the Lancashire Constabulary Public Protection Unit, which was in the form of a presentation, followed by questions, and aimed at encouraging discussion and thought, rather than being a pass/fail situation. 


It was proposed that existing licence holders, including operators, proprietors and drivers would be invited to attend one of five free training sessions, which would be held one day in January with the support of DCI Tony Baxter of the Lancashire Constabulary Public Protection Unit.  Members of the Committee would also be invited to attend.


It was further proposed that two more free training days would be offered, one in February and one in March.  Both days would offer five sessions for members of the trade to book on to.  In total, 15 free training sessions would be offered.  The training sessions in February and March would be carried out by Licensing Officers who had been trained to deliver the sessions.


Following delivery of the free training sessions, it was proposed that a cost should be associated with further training sessions for those who had not taken advantage of the offer of free training to encourage a greater uptake of the free training.  The cost would need to be calculated and would be included in the fees report due to be submitted in the New Year.


It was proposed that new drivers would be given a booklet, which was being produced by Lancashire County Council, as part of the application pack.  CSE would form part of the knowledge test, which was already carried out, and would not require a change of condition.


It was proposed by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Gardiner:


“That the proposals set out in the report be approved, subject to the word ‘training’ being replaced by the word ‘presentation(s)’”


Upon being put to the vote, 6 Members voted in favour of the proposition and 2 against, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




(1)       That the proposals set out in the report in relation to the delivery of CSE presentations to all hackney carriage and private hire licence holders (drivers, operators and proprietors) be approved, subject to the word ‘training’ being replaced by the word ‘presentation(s)’.


(2)       That the following addition to the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for     Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing be approved:


All licence holders, including drivers, proprietors and operators, must undergo a CSE presentation before the first renewal of their licence after the end of January 2016.

Supporting documents: