Agenda item

Adoption of the Local List Criteria

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning) which sought Cabinet’s approval for the adoption of the Council’s Local List Selection Criteria document and put in place arrangements for decision making.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: To approve the adoption of the Local List Selection Criteria document

Option 2: To not approve the adoption of the Local List Selection Criteria document


The adoption of the Local List Selection Criteria document complies with guidance set out by Historic England in Good Practice Guide For Local Heritage Listing, which states that local planning authorities should identify heritage assets valued by the local community. The local list will inform Development Management in their day-to-day work. It will also have wider informative value of the importance and role of locally distinctive heritage assets to the public.  

There are no advantages to not approving the Local List Selection Criteria.


There are no disadvantages to the local list selection criteria document as the process is designed to act as an informative measure for the council and the public.

This would have significant consequences of the future management of non-designated heritage assets as it would mean that an opportunity to recognise the locally significant heritage value of individual assets by means of their inclusion on a local list is not realised. When determining planning proposals reference can be made to the inclusion on this local list. This can assist in ensuring that they are preserved and enhanced for future generations.


There are no risks associated with this option.

There is the potential risk that if not locally listed the development of assets with historic interest will not contribute positively to its identity and character through good design.


Option was the preferred option for the reasons given above. The compilation of a list of local heritage assets will be beneficial to the council and community as it will identify historic assets which crucially contribute to the local identity of the district which are worth preserving for future generations.

Officers have responded to comments made during the public consultation period and have, subsequently, clarified the proposed selection criteria for assets to be added to the local list. This has led to the development of a tier system for selection, which needs to be adopted to facilitate the establishment of the list.

The adoption of the local list complies with guidance in the NPPF because the local list will identify the significance of heritage assets and enable a balanced judgment to be made by Development Management in the scale of harm or loss to the significance of non-designated heritage assets.

The local list will assist Development Management in their day-to-day applications, inform the local community on their local heritage and positively contribute to the sustainability of the district’s built heritage.


Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Smith:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:

(1)             That the adoption of the local list selection criteria document, appended to the report, which will be used for the compilation of a list of non-designated heritage assets (Local List) in the Lancaster district, be approved.

(2)             That delegated powers be granted to the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) to use the adopted criteria to make decisions on whether to add buildings or structures to the local list.

(3)             That provision be made to enable owners of buildings or structures added to the Local List to appeal against their designation to the Appeals Committee.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)


Reasons for making the decision:

The adoption of the local list criteria could increase community involvement in the identification of distinctive local historic buildings or structures, thereby leading to an increased awareness of heritage assets, their role in planning decisions and the contribution they make to the built environment. This could lead to the increased re-use of buildings as they are recognised as historically important and, therefore, make a contribution to the sustainable development of communities.


Supporting documents: