Agenda item

Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector - Future Commissioning Arrangements

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Pattison)


Report of Chief Officer (Governance)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Pattison)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Governance) to outline options with regard to the future provision of support to the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector beyond current commissioning contracts which expire in March 2016.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: To extend existing commissioning contracts forone year to 31 March 2017

Option 2: To refresh the Commissioning Framework and initiate an updated Commissioning Plan for 2016 -19

Option 3: To consider withdrawing support from the VCFS sector

Option 4: To consider delivering services through a grant funding arrangement


Ensures that providers currently performing well continue to deliver corporate outcomes and services

Allows good working relationships to continue whilst staff develop their skills and capacity to take any future arrangements forward.

Ensures the council builds on existing arrangements, past experience and intelligence to drive the delivery of outcomes that meet current and future demands in the district.

Provides further opportunities to take advantage of the  commissioning approach to reinforce positive engagement with partners.

Potential to realise savings in future years (2015/16 budget is £252,800) and reduce resource requirements to carry out commissioning process that may protect other higher priority spending needs

Can be awarded subject to conditions requiring the achievement of specific outcomes

May not be subject to complex procedure and procurement rules and appropriate where the council does not want a specific services delivered in a specified way but wish to support a particular activity or project.


Option 1: To extend existing commissioning contracts forone year to 31 March 2017

Option 2: To refresh the Commissioning Framework and initiate an updated Commissioning Plan for 2016 -19

Option 3: To consider withdrawing support from the VCFS sector

Option 4: To consider delivering services through a grant funding arrangement

Advantages (continued)

Provides additional time to consider future levels of support in the context of competing demands and financial constraints

Secures longer term planning opportunities for delivery partners.

Provides a robust framework in which to help demonstrate VFM, in accordance with statutory requirements


May be appropriate should Cabinet seek to reduce the amount of financial support available for VCFS


Does not address longer term planning opportunities for the delivery of priority services


Less of a fit with the Ensuring Council ethos

Requires staff and financial resources to undertake the commissioning process and deliver commissioned contracts

Process needs to take account of significant changes in recent years including the impact of welfare reform and the ensuring council ethos

Less of a fit with the Ensuring Council ethos

Requires staff resources to consult and manage any withdrawal.

There would be adverse impact on meeting the needs of the district and future corporate plan expected outcomes would need to be amended.

Will not be possible to include specific delivery outcomes and needs or value for money objectives and requirements for the delivery of services.

The recipient of the grant is only obligated to return the grant without having delivered the services funded by the grant.

Requires staff resources to develop proposals and provide assurances on performance


Option 1: To extend existing commissioning contracts forone year to 31 March 2017

Option 2: To refresh the Commissioning Framework and initiate an updated Commissioning Plan for 2016 -19

Option 3: To consider withdrawing support from the VCFS sector

Option 4: To consider delivering services through a grant funding arrangement


Possible concerns of current delivery organisations for the future support of the sector

May be insufficient internal capacity to carry out the engagement and development of the commissioning plan due to other council priorities.

May prove unaffordable, if sufficient savings are not made in other areas. Funding to deliver the commissioned services may not be available resulting in a withdrawn or reduced delivery of services.

May result in legal challenge, so imperative that Council undertakes appropriate consultation and an equality impact assessment.

A lack of support mechanisms elsewhere in the district may result in an increased demand for council support and a reduction in the wellbeing of vulnerable residents

May be insufficient internal capacity to develop arrangements and realise assurances on performance in line with the Council’s statutory obligations regarding VFM (continuous improvement) and procurement.

Service delivered may not meet an identified need and not represent value for money


A balance needs to be struck between the advantages and disadvantages of commissioning versus grant funding.  The council has a legal obligation for continuous improvement and value for money.  In light of this, and in the context of competing demands and priorities and uncertainty around affordability, the officer preferred option is to extend existing commissioning contracts to 31 March 2017, subject to available funding, with the advantage that this will maintain delivery of services for another year whilst further consideration is given to continuous improvement and value for money in the investment of VCFS services in the future.


Councillor Pattison proposed, seconded by Councillor Clifford:-


“That recommendation 1(a) (option1) as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:

(1)          That approval be given to invest in the delivery of key services by the Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCFS) Sector through a one year extension to existing commissioning contracts to 31 March 2017, subject to budget requirements.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Governance)

Chief Officer (Resources)


Reasons for making the decision:


The 2015-18 Corporate Plan makes reference to ongoing support to the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector. Extending existing commissioning contracts for another year will enable organisations who are currently performing well and delivering corporate outcomes to continue for another year and given the current financial situation Cabinet feel that the decision will be welcomed by those organisations.


Supporting documents: