Agenda item



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Janice Hanson)


The Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented a report that advised Cabinet of the outcome of the Call-in of the Cabinet Decision with regard to the request from Dukes and Grand Theatres for Grant Support (Cabinet Minute 6) and requested Cabinet to consider the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to this matter. 


Members considered the following recommendations which were agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the call-in held on 18 June 2014.

(1)             Overview and Scrutiny recommends that Cabinet reconsiders its decision on the basis of the officer briefing note provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 18 June 2014 and takes note of the recommendation in the original Cabinet report and the additional information supplied by the Grand Theatre at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in respect of the requests from Dukes and Grand Theatres for grant support - 27 May 2014 (Cabinet Minute 6). 

(2)             Recommends that Cabinet takes steps to ensure that all parties share the Council's interpretation of the development brief for the Canal Corridor North, as set out in the General Comment Section of today's officer briefing note. 

(3)             Recommends that Officers meet again with representatives of both theatres and consults with the Arts Council and British Land/Centros to provide clarity and openness for the way forward. 


After some discussion it was moved by Councillor Hanson and seconded by Councillor Leytham: -


“(1)      That Cabinet reaffirms its previous decision in relation to the Dukes on 27 May 2014, as set out in Minute 6 (1).


(2)       That in addition to supplying its most recent accounts, and in order for Cabinet to reconsider its decision with regard to the Grand, the Grand be requested to provide a business case for a grant, detailing why the grant is necessary, specifying the exact amount of money required and for what period of time.


(3)       That Cabinet accepts Recommendations (2) and (3) as set out in the Overview and Scrutiny Referral of Call-in Report.”


Councillor Blamire had declared an interest in this item and did not participate in the discussions or vote. 


Resolved unanimously:


(1)       That Cabinet reaffirms its previous decision in relation to the Dukes on 27 May 2014:


            That Cabinet recognises and supports the continued importance of The Dukes and The Grand as an essential part of the Arts provision in the district, with both theatres effectively being integral to any future redevelopment of the Canal Corridor North site.  Accordingly, Cabinet agrees to the request from The Dukes for £12K as the money is required now to assist with the establishment of their business plan, with the additional £12K being allocated from the Performance Reward Grant Reserve.


(2)        That in addition to supplying its most recent accounts, and in order for Cabinet to  reconsider its decision with regard to the Grand, the Grand be requested to provide a business case for a grant, detailing why the grant is necessary, specifying the exact amount of money required and for what period of time


(3)     That Cabinet takes steps to ensure that all parties share the Council's interpretation of the development brief for the Canal Corridor North, as set out in the General Comment Section of today's officer briefing note. 

(4)        That Officers meet again with representatives of both theatres and consults with the Arts Council and British Land/Centros to provide clarity and openness for the way forward. 


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)

Chief Officer (Resources)


Reason for making the decision:


The development of the district’s arts offer is highlighted as a key economic development objective in the City Council’s Cultural Heritage Strategy.  This form of economic development activity aligns with the priority for economic growth in the Corporate Plan.  The decision enables consideration of the Grand’s request for funding on receipt of a detailed business plan.  Reaffirming Cabinet’s decision to provide the additional £12,000 funding requested by the Dukes enables the Dukes to prepare an appropriate capital funding bid, supported by architectural and specialist business expertise, to the Arts Council in the forthcoming bidding round.