Agenda item

Work Programme Report

Report of the Head of Governance.


The Democratic Support Officer updated members on the panel’s work programme. Members were asked to consider whether they would like to include any further items in the work programme.


Members discussed the briefing note regarding ‘Empty Houses, Voids and why Properties are in need of Repair’. The panel agreed that a further report providing more detail be requested and be presented to a future meeting of the panel. Members also agreed that the Cabinet member with responsibility for health and housing be invited to attend the meeting to coincide with consideration of this report.


Members discussed a number of issues which they wished to be addressed in the requested report as follows: -


·         Whether the council attempted to claim payments from tenants leaving council houses with debts incurred by causing damage to the property.

·         Whether tenants who had caused damage to council properties were prevented from occupying council houses in the future.

·         Why properties required repairs and what steps were taken by the council in order to mitigate the problem.

·         Whether periodic inspections were carried out on council properties.

·         Whether properties were inspected prior to being vacated by tenants.

·         Why the average relet times for vacated council properties were so long.

·         Why deposits were not taken from council house tenants.


Members also queried whether there had been any recent improvements regarding voids and relet times, and requested that previous years figures be provided as part of the report for comparative purposes. It was agreed that the briefing note, previously provided, should be recirculated to members prior to the next meeting of the panel.


Members discussed Salt Ayre Sports Centre and were reminded that a report would be provided to the meeting of the panel once an ongoing review of the centre had been completed. It was requested that information regarding marketing of the centre and the use of social media be included in this report, as previously discussed (minute no. 5 refers). 


Previously members had requested that Councillor Sands (Cabinet member for arts and culture) and Councillor Barry (Cabinet member for voluntary sector) be invited to attend a future meeting of the panel to discuss partnerships within their respective portfolios. The panel agreed that this request be included in the 2013/14 work programme.


It was agreed that briefing notes regarding ‘Letting of Council Buildings’ and ‘Shared Property Services with Lancashire County Council’ should be recirculated to the panel by Democratic Services. Members were advised that should they wish to consider an issue contained in either of these briefing notes a report could be requested for inclusion on the agenda for a future meeting of the panel.


It was reported that, in the previous municipal year, monthly pre-scrutiny meetings had been held between the chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the chairman of Budget and Performance Panel and the pre-scrutiny champion. Members agreed that this arrangement had benefited the scrutiny process and that Democratic Services should be requested to continue these arrangements in 2013/14. 


The panel agreed that the monitoring of voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) partners, and arts/leisure partners be added to the work programme for 2013/14, with appropriate dates for monitoring included once the new commissioning arrangements had been agreed. It was agreed that this report be timed to coincide with Councillor Barry’s attendance at the panel to discuss partnerships within his portfolio.


It was agreed that the annual stakeholders meeting be included in the work programme as set out in the report, and that the Leader of the Council be invited to present the city council’s budget proposals to the panel. It was also agreed that a representative of Lancashire County Council be invited to present the county council’s budget proposals, and that a representative from the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority be invited to present their budget proposals to the meeting. 


The panel was reminded that the annual stakeholders meeting was held on 29 January 2013 in Morecambe Town Hall.


Members were advised that performance monitoring of the Customer Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy would be carried out on a six-monthly basis, and would form part of the Corporate Performance Monitoring report.  


Following a request by a member, the panel agreed that a briefing note regarding the Public Services (Social Value) Act be requested, and that the note provide a particular emphasis on issues relating to procurement. 




(1)        That the report be noted and that the work programme be updated accordingly. 


(2)        That the Head of Environmental Services be requested to report on the issues relating to empty homes, voids, and why properties are in need of repair. 


(3)        That the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Health and Housing be invited to attend a future meeting of the panel to coincide with consideration of the report requested relating to empty homes, voids, and why properties are in need of repair. 


(4)        That information regarding the marketing of Salt Ayre Sports Centre and use of social media be included in the report relating to the centre scheduled for consideration at the meeting of the panel on 10 September 2013. 


(5)        That the briefing notes regarding ‘Letting of Council Buildings’ and ‘Shared Property Services with Lancashire County Council’ be recirculated to members of the panel.


(6)        That the appropriate officer be invited to attend a meeting of the panel in order to provide a report regarding Building Control.


(6)        That relevant Cabinet members be invited to attend future meetings when their portfolio is being discussed.


(7)        That with regard to the Forthcoming Key Decision List, members put forward any financial or performance related items for pre-decision scrutiny, by the pre-decision scrutiny champion, with monthly meetings being arranged between the chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the chairman of Budget and Performance Panel, and the pre-decision scrutiny champion.


(8)        That the panel continue to monitor Service Level Agreements with voluntary, community and faith sector partners, and arts/leisure partners, with regular monitoring reports provided once the new commissioning arrangements have been agreed.


(9)        That the leader of the council be invited to present the council’s budget proposals to the panel’s annual stakeholders meeting scheduled for 28 January 2014, and that the invitation to present budget proposals also be extended to Lancashire County Council and the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority.


(10)      That the panel receive reports to update members regarding the council’s partnership arrangements.


(11)      That the panel continue to consider budget variances which have been identified when considering the annual outturn reports, and that if there are significant variances in the current year relevant officers be requested to attend meetings to present additional information as requested.


(12)      That the timetable for consideration of financial monitoring reports be noted.


(13)      That the timetable for consideration of corporate performance monitoring reports be noted.  


(14)      That the Leader of the Council be invited to attend meetings of the panel to answer questions regarding performance monitoring reports, and that the leader be invited, along with the relevant portfolio holder, to answer questions when the panel considers budgetary reports.     


(15)      That a briefing note regarding the Public Services (Social Value) Act, with a particular emphasis on procurement, be provided to the panel.  

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