Agenda item

Storey Creative Industries Centre

Report of the Head of Resources.


Councillor Bryning was in attendance for this item in his capacity as Cabinet Member for Finance, Revenues and Benefits, in order to answer questions relating to the Storey Creative Industries Centre (SCIC) (minute no. 15 refers).


Members were reminded that on 25 September 2012, the panel had deferred consideration of answers to two questions relating to the Storey Creative Industries Centre (SCIC), and also asked a number of additional questions. The Head of Resources presented a report to provide additional information and allow further consideration of these issues. The panel had also requested information regarding the liability of directors; this information was also included within the report.


The Head of Resources presented the answers to questions (originally numbered four and five) which were deferred from the meeting of the panel held on 25 September 2012), and members asked questions accordingly.


The panel queried whether any discrepancies had been identified between the figures in the company accounts as at 1 April 2011 and the starting point of the forecasts and projections produced by the SCIC in support of the company’s request for a £90,000 loan. Councillor Mace advised that he had identified a number of such discrepancies, and he had produced a summary for consideration by the panel. Members discussed the discrepancies identified by Councillor Mace.


It was proposed by Councillor Mace, seconded by Councillor Sykes, and agreed by the panel:


“That the information provided by Councillor Mace regarding discrepancies between the figures in the company accounts as at April 2011, and the starting point of the forecasts and projections produced by the company in support of the company’s request for the £90,000 loan, be provided to the liquidators of the Storey Creative Industries Centre.”


The Head of Resources presented the answers to the additional questions which had arisen from the meeting of the panel held on 25 September 2012. Members asked extensive questions regarding the answers provided in the report. The Head of Resources also provided information relating to the liabilities of directors and former directors of the SCIC.


The chairman welcomed Councillor Abbott Bryning, Cabinet member with responsibility for Finance, Revenues and Benefits, to the meeting, and invited him to pass comment on the SCIC and the contents of the report. Councillor Bryning advised members of his role as a director of the SCIC, and the panel asked questions accordingly.


The Head of Resources presented the answers to the additional questions which had arisen from the meeting of the panel held on 25 September 2012. Members asked extensive questions regarding the answers and information provided in the report.


It was proposed by Councillor Mace, seconded by Councillor Brookes, and agreed by the panel:


“That Democratic Services be requested to consider arranging for additional training to be provided to members who have been appointed by the council as a representative on outside bodies.”




(1)        That the information provided by Councillor Mace regarding discrepancies between the figures in the company accounts as at April 2011, and the starting point of the forecasts and projections produced by the company in support of the company’s request for the £90,000 loan, be provided to the liquidators of the Storey Creative Industries Centre.


(2)        That Democratic Services be requested to consider arranging for additional training to be provided to members who have been appointed by the council as a representative on outside bodies.


(3)        That Councillor Bryning be thanked for attending the meeting.

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