Agenda item

Salt Ayre Sports Centre

Report of the Financial Services Manager and Assistant Head of Community Engagement (Wellbeing).


The assistant head of community engagement (wellbeing) presented a report to update members with regard to the detailed income and expenditure and allocation of overheads at Salt Ayre Sports Centre.


The panel was reminded, that at its meeting on 12 June 2012, members had requested a more detailed report on the finances of the sports centre be requested including income and expenditure for the last year.


The report provided this information as requested and explained the details behind the relevant income and expenditure headings. It also explained the allocation of management and administration costs across the relevant activity areas.


Members were reminded that the provision of sports centres was discretionary, and was, amongst other things, supporting the council’s Corporate Plan priority for Health and Wellbeing. Additionally, there was no requirement for the facility to break-even, but the council still needed to ensure that it operated as efficiently as possible to ensure council taxpayers money was being spent effectively.


The assistant head of community engagement (wellbeing) outlined the current outturn position for 2011/12 for each of the activities at the centre, and identified that the majority of the costs were contained within the management and administration account. It was advised that this made it difficult to assess performance on an activity by activity basis.


In order to provide some clarity, officers from Community Engagement and Finance had worked together to determine suitable methods for allocating the management and administration costs across the range of activities provided by the centre. These were displayed in a separate table. The panel discussed the outturn for each of the activities at the centre and asked questions accordingly.


Members discussed the café at the sports centre. It was advised that reviews of the café and vending service were ongoing.


A panel member queried whether there were any incentives offered to staff for rewarding suggestions to save money. The assistant head of community engagement (wellbeing) advised that there was a culture of engagement at the sports centre. Recent energy savings had been made as a result of staff suggestions.


Members queried whether the council was engaging with other local authorities which provided similar facilities. It was advised that this was the case, and that the council shared views and models of operation with neighbouring authorities with a view to sharing good practice.


The panel discussed the benefits of the sports centre. Members were advised that GPs in the district could refer patients to the sports centre, and that there were a number of projects which aimed to divert young people from crime and disorder in the district. The assistant head of community engagement (wellbeing) advised the panel that he would consider whether it was possible to estimate the social value of such services to the council and other public sector partners.


It was agreed that consideration of the remainder of the report be deferred until the next scheduled meeting of the panel. Members were requested to bring suggestions regarding ways in which management and administration costs could be reduced to the next meeting of the panel.




(1)        That consideration of the remainder of the report be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of the Budget and Performance Panel, to be held on 23 October 2012.


(2)        That officers be requested to look at the various headings to consider a reduction of up to 5% (by way of example) with particular emphasis on the management and admin costs in such a way that it does not negatively impact on service provision.


(3)        That financial information be presented in such a way that more clearly shows allocation of management and administration costs including a more detailed/informative breakdown.

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