Agenda item



(Councillor Dennison and Councillor Bryning both left the meeting at this point, having previously declared personal and prejudicial interests.)


The Chief Executive submitted a report to enable Council to consider, as a matter of urgency, a referral from Cabinet resulting from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s call-in of the Cabinet decision made on 3 July 2012 regarding the Storey Creative Industries Centre (SCIC). (Cabinet minute 26 refers). The Chief Executive referred to the reasons for urgency.


The Mayor informed Council that, as the report had only recently been published, a short adjournment might be required to allow time for Members to read it. The Mayor also reminded Council that, whilst the report was a public report, two of the appendices (5 and 6) were exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Council was therefore recommended to pass a resolution excluding the press and public from the meeting should it be necessary to refer to the information in the exempt appendices.


During Members’ questions about the reasons for urgency, it became apparent that the Chief Executive would need to make reference to the exempt information to provide a full response to Council. In view of this, Councillor Williamson moved, seconded by Councillor Kerr:-


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.” 


A vote was taken and the motion was clearly carried.




“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.” 


(The public gallery was cleared at this point.)


The Chief Executive responded to a number of questions from Councillors.


Councillor Williamson, seconded by Councillor Thomas, proposed adjourning the meeting to allow time to read the report.


Councillor Burns, seconded by Councillor Kerr, proposed an amendment:


“That the report be deferred for consideration at a later date.”


There was a lengthy debate before a vote was taken on the amendment. With 17 Councillors voting for the amendment, 30 against and 2 abstentions the amendment was clearly lost.


A vote was then taken on the original proposition to adjourn the meeting to allow time to read the report. The proposition was clearly carried and the Mayor announced that the meeting be adjourned to allow Councillors twenty minutes to read the report.


(The meeting adjourned at 3.00pm and reconvened at 3.20pm.)


The Mayor proposed, with the agreement of Council, that members of the press and public be re-admitted to the meeting.


(Members of the press and public were re-admitted at this point.)


The Chief Executive introduced his report. He responded to numerous questions, as did the Head of Resources and the Head of Governance.


At the conclusion of Councillors’ questions, Councillor James proposed:


“That Council does not approve Option 2 as set out in the Cabinet report of 3 July 2012.”


Councillor Kerr seconded the proposition.


There was a short debate before Councillor Johnson proposed a friendly amendment to the proposition:


“That, should the company fail, Council is minded to negotiate a new lease with existing tenants, should the need and opportunity arise.”


There was no seconder, therefore the proposed amendment fell.


There was a further period of debate, following which Councillor Blamire moved an amendment, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“That the Council withdraws support for the SCIC Ltd by seeking forfeiture of the headlease from the company (which would have ceased trading in some way) and requests a report back on all future options for the building.”


This was accepted as a friendly amendment by the mover and seconder of the original proposition.


Further debate followed and a vote was taken on the proposition as amended, which was clearly carried.




That the Council withdraws support for the SCIC Ltd by seeking forfeiture of the headlease from the company (which would have ceased trading in some way) and requests a report back on all future options for the building.


(Councillor Dennison and Councillor Bryning rejoined the meeting at this point.)


The Mayor informed Members that she intended to take items 9 and 10 next, before item 8.