Agenda item

Work Programme Report

Report of the head of governance.




The Panel considered a briefing note that had been provided relating to Building Control.


It was agreed that a further update would be requested in view of some of the issues referred to in the briefing note being anticipated to be completed by the end of April 2012.


Members discussed a briefing note on Housing Benefit Debt which gave details of outstanding debt owed to the Council and the introduction of universal credit which would have an impact on people’s benefit. It was agreed that the Panel should receive regular updates on the situation.


Consideration was given to an issue raised by Councillor Scott on damage to Council houses by tenants and the implications for the Council.


It was noted that the report referred to Councillor Scott suggesting that Tenancy Deposits be considered in the Panel’s Work Programme. This was an error in the report. It was agreed that a briefing note would be requested for the July meeting on the issues originally requested by Councillor Scott.


The Panel considered the monitoring of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and agreed that this should remain on the Work Programme. It was agreed that the Panel should also consider second homes funding and how this will be implemented and monitored.


With regard to Partnerships, it was agreed that the Panel should include and consider at future meetings the performance of the shared Revenues and Benefits Service with Preston City Council.


Members were advised that the Affordable Housing Task Group that had been included in the Work Programme for some time, had been removed to avoid duplication as a Cabinet Liaison Group had been established to consider the same topic.


The Panel considered a suggestion for the Work Programme regarding lettings of Council buildings. This would include the percentage of empty offices/buildings, condition, the income generated and revenue implications for the Council. It was agreed that a briefing note be requested on this issue.


Members went on to discuss the Storey Creative Industries Centre and possible issues that had arisen particularly regarding any financial implications for the Council. It was agreed that a briefing note be requested.


A further suggestion for the Panel’s Work Programme was discussed, that of Section 106 monies collected by the Council. It was agreed that a briefing note be requested on the issue including how much the Council held and what it was allocated for. It was also noted that recent legislation had made provision for Community Infrastructure Levy regulations (CIL) and it was requested that more detail be provided on this legislation.






It was suggested that the relevant Cabinet Member should be invited to attend meetings when their portfolio was being discussed.


The Chairman reminded Members that a briefing had been arranged on the Budget Book on Tuesday 24th July and all Panel Members should attend.


Members were reminded that the date of the July meeting was to be rearranged.


Resolved :


(1)        That an update on Building Control be requested in view of some of the issues referred to in the briefing note being anticipated to be completed by the end of April 2012.


(2)        That the Panel receive regular updates on Housing Benefit Debt.


(3)        That a briefing note be requested for the July meeting on damage to Council houses by tenants and the implications for the Council.


(4)             That the monitoring of Service Level Agreements remain on the Work Programme.


(5)             That the implementation and monitoring of second homes funding be included in the Panel’s Work Programme and a report be provided to the Panel.


(6)             That the Panel include the monitoring of Partnerships including the shared Revenues and Benefits Service with Preston City Council in its Work Programme and a report be provided to the Panel.


(7)             That a briefing note be requested on the letting of Council buildings including the percentage of empty offices/buildings, condition, the income generated and revenue implications for the Council.


(8)             That a briefing note on the Storey Creative Industries Centre, particularly regarding any financial implications for the Council, be requested.


(9)             That a briefing note on Section 106 monies collected by the Council be requested including the amount held by the Council and what it was allocated for. 


(10)          That further details on the provision for Community Infrastructure Levy regulations (CIL) be requested.


(11)          That the relevant Cabinet Member be invited to attend future meetings when their portfolio is being discussed.



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