Agenda item

Quarter 3 Corporate Performance and Financial Monitoring Report

Report of Assistant Head (Partnerships) and Accountancy Services Manager



The panel received a report from the Leader of the Council, in respect of the third quarter Performance Review Team meetings for 2011/12 recently undertaken by individual cabinet members. The report had been considered by the Leader on 8 February 2012, and Cabinet at its meeting on 13 March 2012.


The third quarter of individual cabinet member Performance Review Team (PRT) meetings for 2011/12 had taken place between 17 and 26 January 2012. Each meeting had monitored progress against the actions included in the Corporate Plan for each cabinet member and any outstanding issues from the previous round of meetings.


The panel discussed a number of briefing notes which had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting, the briefing notes covered the following areas:


·         Actions identified in the most recent round of Performance Review Team meetings.

·         Housing – Council Housing (Tenancy) Re-letting.

·         Property Services.

·         Regeneration and Policy Service Actions.


The panel discussed issues relating to the re-letting of council houses, it was advised that a review had been undertaken of the whole of the re-letting process which had identified areas that were affecting performance, these had been built into an action plan.


A member asked a question regarding the frequency with which pre-void inspections were undertaken in council properties. The Assistant Head of Community Engagement (Partnerships) advised that details regarding the frequency of inspections could be provided and circulated to members via Democratic Services. A further question was asked relating to the number of council properties which were currently voided, it was advised that this information could also be provided to the panel via Democratic Services.


Members were reminded of the arrangements for scrutiny of Corporate Performance Reports at Budget and Performance Panel. Over the past few years the timetabling of Cabinet and Budget and Performance Panel had meant that Corporate Performance Reports had been considered by Cabinet prior to being scrutinised by the Budget and Performance Panel. In the 2011/12 municipal year it had become apparent that the timetabling of both meetings did not align well with the council’s performance reporting cycle, and as such a proposed timetable had been drafted that allowed the panel an opportunity to scrutinise corporate performance, in line with their terms of reference, prior to cabinet, so that recommendations could be made for their consideration. The Council Business Committee had delegated authority to agree the annual timetable of committee meetings and were due to consider the draft timetable for 2012/13 at its meeting on 15 March 2012.


Members were asked to consider arrangements for the future scrutiny of corporate performance, making recommendations to Council Business Committee as necessary.


The panel discussed the draft timetable and arrangements for the future scrutiny of corporate performance, and agreed to recommend to Council Business Committee that the draft timetable be accepted in order to allow opportunity for pre-scrutiny of corporate performance. The Assistant Head of Community Engagement (Partnerships) advised that if the draft timetable was agreed the panels comments regarding corporate performance could be captured in briefing notes and provided to Cabinet when the reports were considered.


The Corporate Financial Monitoring report of the Accountancy Services Manager set out an indicative corporate picture of the Council’s financial performance relating to the period ending 31 December 2011. It also summarised the variances reported through Services’ quarterly Performance Review Team meetings, and also identified any omissions, updates and actions required, and was based on the Revised Budget. In addition there were specific sections for salary monitoring, capital expenditure and financing, Housing Revenue Account (HRA), revenue collection performance and insurance and Risk Management.


Following the Leader’s report members asked extensive questions regarding areas of concern, which the Leader advised would be referred to the relevant portfolio holders.


A member asked a question relating to bad debt provision, querying as to how the council monitored housing benefit overpayments. The Accountancy Services Manager advised that a response to the question would be provided in the form of a briefing note.




(1)        That the report be noted.


(2)        That the Budget and Performance Panel recommends that Council Business Committee approve the draft timetable in order to allow opportunity for pre-scrutiny of corporate performance.


(3)        That the Accountancy Services Manager provide a briefing note relating to how the council monitored housing benefit overpayments, and that this be provided via Democratic Services.

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