Agenda item

The Introduction of a 3 Year Drivers Licence for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers

Report of the Licensing manager.


The Licensing manager introduced a report to ask members to approve in principle the introduction of a 3 years driver’s licence for hackney carriage and private hire driver’s licences, and to authorise the Licensing manager to start a consultation process with the trade.


Members were reminded that it had been the practice for many years for the council to grant a hackney carriage, private hire and more recently a dual driver’s licence for a period of one year only, with the renewal due annually.


The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 section 53 prescribed that:-


(1) (a)  Every licence granted by a district council under the provisions of this Part of this Act to any person to drive a private hire vehicle licence shall remain in force for three years from the date of such licence or for such lesser period as the district council may specify in such licence.


(b)        Notwithstanding the provisions of the Public Health Act 1875 and the Town Police Clauses Act 1889, every licence granted by a district council under the provisions of the Act of 1847 to any person to drive a hackney carriage shall remain in force for three years from the date of such licence or for such lesser period as they may specify in such licence.


Members were also reminded that the council had for many years granted the licences for a period of one year with renewal due annually on the grounds of public safety, to enable DVLA licences to be checked for points and to ensure that convictions were declared as the CRB check is only carried out every 3 years.


It was advised that with the advancement of technology it was now possible to do DVLA licence checks online; although at the moment the council did not have the facility to do this.  The Licensing manager advised that she had been in contact with companies that could provide this service at a cost of approximately £5.20 per check; this cost would be payable by the applicant as part of the licence fee. It was advised that should members be minded to approve in principle the introduction of a three year drivers’ licence representatives from companies which could provide the service could be invited to attend a future meeting of the Licensing Regulatory Committee in order to advise members of the process and to answer any questions.


The online DVLA check was considered a safer way of checking for points than relying on the driver to produce a paper copy of the licence, as it was not always possible to verify the accuracy of the information on a paper copy. Members were advised that an annual medical and convictions declaration was currently signed by all drivers on renewal; it was envisaged that this requirement would still remain in place.


It was advised that the Department for Transport Best Practice Guidance recommended that councils should issue three year drivers’ licences.


Officers recommended that if members were minded to approve in principle the introduction of a three year drivers’ licence, initial grants to new applicants should only be for a period of one year with any further renewals after that being for a period of three years.


If members were minded to approve the introduction of a three year drivers’ licence, further details about how the new system would be implemented, and the proposed licence fee, would be presented for members’ approval at a later date.


It was proposed by Councillor Burns, and seconded by Councillor Hill:-


“(1)      That members approve in principle the introduction of a three year hackney carriage, private hire and dual driver’s licence for all renewals, with a one year grant for all new applicants.


 (2)       That the Licensing manager be authorised to start a consultation process with members of the trade.”


Upon being put to the vote members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the chairman declared the proposition to be carried.




(1)        That members approve in principle the introduction of a three year hackney carriage, private hire and dual driver’s licence for all renewals, with a one year grant for all new applicants.


(2)        That the Licensing manager be authorised to start a consultation process with members of the trade.


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