Report of the head of governance.
The head of governance submitted a report to enable the committee to consider minor amendments to the scheme of delegation designed to streamline the issuing of animal welfare licences.
The Licensing manager advised members that the issuing of licences for animal boarding establishments, dog breeding establishments, riding establishments, pet shops, zoos and dangerous wild animals fell within the terms of reference of the committee.
Under the current arrangements applications were administered within the licensing section in Governance. However, applications were then passed to the Environmental Protection Team in Health and Housing who arranged for the premises to be inspected, and advised as to whether a licence should be issued, and, if so, the terms and conditions of the licence. Their recommendations were then passed back to Licensing, who issued the actual licence.
Discussions had taken place between the two services, and it was felt that the system could be improved by transferring responsibility for the whole licensing process for these licences to Heath and Housing. Officers believed that this would fit comfortably with the other animal welfare related functions already carried out by that service, and would mean that when any premises were being considered from an animal welfare point of view, licensing requirements could more readily be taken into account, and, where appropriate, any enforcement action could be more streamlined.
It was intended therefore that responsibility for all aspects of animal welfare licensing would pass to Health and Housing from 1 December 2011.
This meant that an amendment to the scheme of delegation was required to authorise the head of Health and Housing and officers designated by her to issue licences under the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963, Dangerous Wild Animals Acts 1970 and 1991, Pet Animals Act 1951, Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, Riding Establishments Acts 1964 and 1970 and Zoo Licensing Act 1981. The current delegation was to the head of Governance.
It was proposed by Councillor Hill and seconded by Councillor Redfern: -
“(1) That the proposed operational arrangements for issuing animal welfare licences be noted.
(2) That the Scheme of Delegation be amended to authorise the Head of Health and Housing and any officer designated in writing by her to grant, transfer or renew any licence under the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963, Dangerous Wild Animals Acts 1976, Pet Animals Act 1951, Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, Riding Establishments Acts 1964 and 1970 and Zoo Licensing Act 1981, except where any objection or adverse comment has been received or a member of the committee has requested that the matter be referred to committee.”
Upon being put to the vote, members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the vice-chairman declared the proposition to be carried.
(1) That the proposed operational arrangements for issuing animal welfare licences be noted.
(2) That the Scheme of Delegation be amended to authorise the Head of Health and Housing and any officer designated in writing by her to grant, transfer or renew any licence under the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963, Dangerous Wild Animals Acts 1976, Pet Animals Act 1951, Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, Riding Establishments Acts 1964 and 1970 and Zoo Licensing Act 1981, except where any objection or adverse comment has been received or a member of the committee has requested that the matter be referred to committee.
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