Agenda item

Festival and Events Report

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)


Report of the Head of Community Engagement




(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility CouncillorSands)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement to update members on the 2011 festivals and events programme, update on the income achieved and seek approval of plans for 2012.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Notes the update, agrees revenue budget be updated and commits funding now to allow progress towards festivals and events for 2012 and 2013.

Option 2: Notes the update but does not to agree budget update and delay any decision until budget council in March 2012.

Option 3; Notes update but decides to reduce funding in light of the current budgetary position facing the Council.



Enables council to work with partners to develop a co-ordinated plan towards event delivery for 2012, take advantage of major regional, national and international events and explore sponsorship opportunities

Council is able to make decision as part of wider budget setting context

Makes a contribution towards the savings targets required by Council following on from the recent Comprehensive Spending Review

Supports the council’s priorities and a significant element of the council’s Visitor Marketing Plan


Opportunity to develop a joined up marketing plan for visitors and local people (reducing the plethora of separate marketing approaches and ensuring no event clashes)





Decision taken ahead of wider budget setting context

Prevents the council working with partners to develop a co-ordinated plan towards event delivery for 2012 and risks an uncoordinated and less effective series of events.

Uncertainty amongst businesses and the media, leading to potential damaging publicity not just locally but further afield

Less likely to achieve sponsorship and therefore income towards 2012 events


Uncertainty amongst businesses and the media, leading to potential damaging publicity not just locally but further afield




There was no Officer preferred option.


Councillor Sands proposed, seconded by Councillor Leytham:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Resolved unanimously:



(1)        That Cabinet notes the update on the 2011 events programme.


(2)        That Cabinet agrees the revenue budget be updated to reflect the additional income and expenditure for the 2011 festivals and events programme.


(3)        Cabinet approves the planned approach for 2012 and 2013, unless the Council’s financial position and changing priorities warrants a review for the 2013/14 budget, and further agrees that the revenue budget be updated to reflect any additional income received to support the festivals and events in those years, to supplement the Council’s investment in the programme, rather than taking any savings.



Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision supports the Corporate Plan priorities relating to Economic Regeneration – Visitor Economy and Partnership Working and Community Leadership.  Festivals and events have a direct impact, attracting more visitors to a destination, raising the profile of a place, creating a sense of wellbeing, providing a platform to raise awareness and communicate positive messages, and can help attract residents and investment.  Cabinet needs to take a decision with regard to the Council’s future commitments to festivals and events for 2012. Operationally, it makes sense to make early decisions regarding any festivals and events and as the proposals are within the existing budget and policy framework, it is within Cabinet’s remit to authorise progress.


Supporting documents: