Agenda item

West End Local Centre Parking

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of Head of Regeneration and Policy


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Regeneration and Policy to enable Members to consider the need for additional parking provision in the West End to serve the local centre’s retail businesses and the potential re-use of the former Parliament Street play area for car parking.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:






Option 1: Do Nothing

No additional costs.

Evidence indicates that existing on street parking capacity is sufficient to meet short stay shopper’s parking.

No additional car parking.

Remnants of play area remain detracting from quality of open space and boundary wall continues to provide cover for nefarious activities


Missed opportunity to evaluate need for car park.

Option 2: Formal Pay & Display Car Park

This option provides 38 additional parking spaces (but this might not necessarily be an advantage, as evidence indicates sufficient capacity exists already).

The creation of off-street parking areas could help the regeneration of the West End.

Formal off street parking can be promoted and signed.


Significant costs of £65K capital and £10K revenue annually is greater than the funds potentially available.

Survey data does not indicate a need for additional off street parking.

Unless they can be incorporated this proposal would see the loss of 9 mature trees that provide amenity value.

Invest proves to be a waste of resources in absence of demand.

Pay and Display charges may lead to car park being unused as vacant free short stay on street parking is utilised instead.

Option 3: Low Cost Temporary Car Parking Area

Lower capital and revenue cost that could be met by available Empty Shops Funding.

Provides 14-17 additional parking spaces (As with option 2, however, the above points might not necessarily be advantages, as evidence indicates sufficient capacity exists already).

Enables demand from shoppers and traders to be confirmed, albeit at a cost – subject to results this could lead to consideration of establishing a permanent car park.

Retains all the street trees.

Positive action to promote the retail area through the use of Empty Shops Funding.


14-17 parking spaces may be viewed as too few by traders.

Temporary car parks often become permanent and it would, in time, require some of the features and associated costs of a more formal permanent car park.

Boundary wall remains in place and will continue to provide cover for nefarious activities.


Investment proves to be a waste of resources in absence of demand.

If proved to be needed, no guarantee that council could find resources to formalise car park. It would be hard to manage expectations once temporary car park has been provided.

Without parking controls it may be abused. It may also discourage purchase of residents’ parking permits. Residents not entitled to a permit Clarendon Road may also take advantage of these spaces.


Option 4: Temporary Car Park

Lower capital and revenue cost than a formal car park.

Provides an additional 33 parking spaces.

Again though, these may not prove to be advantageous.

Parliament Street entrance to car park makes for easy access to a car park from Regent Road.

Positive action to promote retail area through use of Empty Shops Funding.

Minimises the loss of street trees.

Temporary car parks often become permanent and it would, in time, require the features and associated costs of a more formal permanent car park and therefore presents a future cost liability.

Higher capital cost means that it would not be possible to include a means of control to the parking with the available funding.

Investment a waste of resources in absence of demand.

If proved to be needed no guarantee that council could find resources to formalise car park. It would be hard to manage expectations once temporary car park has been provided.

Without parking controls it may be abused. It may also discourage purchase of residents’ parking permits. Residents not entitled to a permit Clarendon Road may also take advantage of these spaces.

Future costs to formalise car park if proven to be needed.


Utilising the Empty Shops Funding to provide a temporary car park was a positive action to promote retail businesses in the West End and met the objects of this external funding that aimed to support struggling retail businesses in the recession. Option 3 the Low Cost Temporary Parking Area was the only affordable option that would provide additional parking in the locality and include a suitable and enforceable means of control.

                      Although the lack of demand meant there was a risk that the investment in a car parking was a waste of resources, local consultation shows that there was strong support for additional car parking. Therefore it was recommended that:

·                          Option 3 the provision of a Low Cost Temporary Parking Area was approved to enable demand for a permanent car parking facility to be assessed by further parking surveys over the course of the temporary period.

·                          That an appropriate means of control was determined.

·                          That the temporary period for the car park would be for 12 months.

·                          That the £22K unspent Empty Shops Funding be allocated to meet the cost of providing the temporary parking facility.



Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Leytham:


“(1)      That Option 4 the provision of a Temporary Parking Area is approved to enable demand for a permanent car parking facility to be demonstrated.

(2)        That an appropriate form of control is determined.

(3)        That the temporary period for the car park be for 12 months.

(4)        That the £22K unspent Vacant Shops Fund be allocated to meet the cost of providing the temporary car park and the revenue budget be updated accordingly.”

Councillors then voted:-




(6 Members (Councillors Blamire, Bryning, Hanson, Leytham, Sands and Smith) voted in favour, and 2 Members (Councillors Barry and Hamilton-Cox) abstained.)

(1)        That Option 4, the provision of a Temporary Parking Area involving unplanned /unbudgeted capital investment be referred to Council for approval.

(2)        That an appropriate form of control is determined.

(3)        That the temporary period for the car park be for 12 months.

The Chief Executive confirmed that a report to Council would be required if Cabinet were minded to support Option 4.



Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Regeneration and Policy

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The proposals accord with the Parking Strategy and the West End Masterplan.  Referral of this issue for Council approval was necessary as Option 4 involved unplanned/unbudgeted capital investment and would either have to be appraised as part of the budget process or be approved by Council as a variation to the capital programme.  The Option required Council approval as car parking provision did not fall within the uses previously agreed by Cabinet on 19th January 2010 for the Morecambe element of the Vacant Shops Fund.


Supporting documents: