Agenda item

Item of Urgent Business - Municipal Building Works


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


In accordance with Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman agreed to consider the report as an item of urgent business as a decision was required prior to December’s Cabinet meeting.


The Head of Property Services submitted a report to identify the outcome of the tender process for works to Morecambe Town Hall and request additional funding for works that would improve the buildings to allow additional staff to be accommodated with subsequent savings achieved by vacating Palatine Hall, Lancaster.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option and comments, were set out in the report as follows:-



Option 1: To undertake additional works in Morecambe Town Hall and agree to the letting of Palatine Hall 

Option 2: Not to undertake the additional works to Morecambe Town Hall, and retain Palatine Hall as a municipal building


This enables the council to release premises and therefore reduce its operational costs.


It enables the council to achieve the outcome of its access to service policy.


Staff in the newly formed services can work together to achieve greater efficiencies.

The cost of the scheme would be reduced.


Some staff currently based in Lancaster may perceive that working from Morecambe may be more inefficient.


Additional capital funding for the works is required, at an earlier date than anticipated.


Early vacation of Palatine Hall would create some additional service upheaval and disruption in the interim.


Savings from reducing the number of operational properties would be lost.


The opportunity to complete the access to services policy would be delayed.


The scheme may need to be retendered to exclude the additional works.


Some risks to service operations during the accommodation changes.

The cost of undertaking the additional works at a later date would rise if undertaken as a separate scheme in future.


The opportunity to achieve an immediate income from letting Palatine Hall would be lost.


The scheme would probably need to be re-tendered and this may still result in the cost being above budget.



Option 1 is the officer preferred option as this enables the Council to come closer to achieving the Council’s approved policy in terms of access to services, whilst enabling longer term savings to be achieved.


Councillor Langhorn proposed, seconded by Councillor Robinson:


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Members then voted.


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That approval be given to undertaking the additional works in Morecambe Town Hall at the costs identified in the report, to be financed from this year’s existing Capital Programme provisions for Municipal Buildings.


(2)        That approval be given to the Council letting Palatine Hall, Lancaster to the County Council on terms to be agreed by the Head of Property Services and that the Revenue Budget be updated accordingly.


(3)        That subject to (2), approval be given to earmark up to £50,000 of the Capital Support Reserve to facilitate the relocation of services, but where possible, existing budgets be used to minimise any call on the Reserve, and the actual outcome be reported as part of the current budget process.


Officers responsible for effecting this decision:


Head of Property Services

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision will enable the Council to come closer to achieving the Council’s approved policy in terms of access to services, whilst enabling longer term savings to be achieved.