Agenda item

Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2009/10

Report of Accountancy Services Manager


The Panel received the report of the Accountancy Services Manager to provide Members with the Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2009/10.  Appended to the report was the report to Cabinet on 27th July 2010, which provided summary information, and the timetable for completion of the closure of accounts process, including details of the carry forward of underspent/overspent revenue budgets and capital slippage.  The Cabinet report sought approval of various Prudential Indicators for the last year for referral on to Council.


It was reported that Cabinet had noted the report and had approved the recommendations regarding carry forward of overspendings and had resolved that Cabinet portfolio holders ensured that the necessary budget savings were achieved during the current year with monitoring through Performance Review Team (PRT) meetings.  Cabinet had requested that the Budget and Performance Panel include a review of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) responsive repairs overspending within their Work Programme for 2010/11 (Minute No. 27 refers).


Members were advised that there was one amendment to the recommendation in respect of the General Fund carry forward requests, this being that the request for Democratic Services be approved as £1,500 not £5,200.


Members requested information regarding the sale of land in south Lancaster and were advised that whilst terms had been agreed, disposal of the land was subject to the outcome of the planning application.  


With reference to the General Fund Revenue Summary and transport related expenditure, Councillor Whitelegg advised that this area would normally be picked up in a travel plan, which the government had said all local authorities should have in place.  The Head of Community Engagement advised of the elements that were being taken forward with regard to the grey fleet using the recommendations from the Energy Savings Trust’s Fleet Review. 


Councillor Dennison raised concerns regarding slippage of routine buildings maintenance and was advised that works were now progressing, but at present this covered only essential works, the outcome of more recent surveys and reassessment of the phasing of works needed to be done and this was expected to result in further budget pressures.




That the report be noted.

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