Agenda item

2010/11 Quarter 1 Corporate Performance Review

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)

Report of the Leader of the Council.



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


Cabinet received a highlight report from the Leader of the Council in respect of the first quarter of Performance Review Team (PRT) meetings for 2010/11 recently undertaken by individual cabinet members.


The report was for noting and comment.


Councillor Langhorn proposed, seconded by Councillor Kerr:-


“(1)      That Council be recommended to approve the changes to the Corporate Plan’s key performance indicators as identified in the monitoring report.


(2)               That officers ensure that the reports prepared for individual cabinet members for quarter 2 PRTs are consistent and include monitoring information in respect of each corporate priority’s key targets, actions and projects and corporate health indicators as set out in the Corporate Plan.


(3)               That Cabinet receive a refresh briefing on the Performance Management Framework.


(4)               That Cabinet note that the October Cabinet meeting will receive the following reports:


·         Shared Services update including Community Pools and Facilities Management


·         Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership – Performance Reward Grant allocations update


·         External funding update in respect of the budget sums currently included in both the Regeneration and Policy and Community Engagement Services.


(5)               That Cabinet note:


·         That a report on Search Fees be brought back to the future Cabinet meeting once the legislative position becomes clear


·         That the Leader is to meet with the Head of Health and Housing Services and the Cabinet portfolio holder to discuss the actions being taken to address the overspend on the Housing Revenue Account’s responsive repairs budget.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Council be recommended to approve the changes to the Corporate Plan’s key performance indicators as identified in the monitoring report.


(2)               That officers ensure that the reports prepared for individual cabinet members for quarter 2 PRTs are consistent and include monitoring information in respect of each corporate priority’s key targets, actions and projects and corporate health indicators as set out in the Corporate Plan.


(3)               That Cabinet receive a refresh briefing on the Performance Management Framework.


(4)               That Cabinet note that the October Cabinet meeting will receive the following reports:


·         Shared Services update including Community Pools and Facilities Management


·         Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership – Performance Reward Grant allocations update


·         External funding update in respect of the budget sums currently included in both the Regeneration and Policy and Community Engagement Services.


(5)               That Cabinet note:


·         That a report on Search Fees be brought back to the future Cabinet meeting once the legislative position becomes clear


·         That the Leader is to meet with the Head of Health and Housing Services and the Cabinet portfolio holder to discuss the actions being taken to address the overspend on the Housing Revenue Account’s responsive repairs budget.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Corporate Director (Finance and Performance)

Corporate Director (Regeneration)


Reasons for making the decision:


The Council’s Performance Management Framework requires the regular reporting of performance to both the Budget & Performance Panel and Cabinet as part of the Performance Review Team cycle of meetings.


Supporting documents: