Agenda item

Shared Services Programme

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


Report of the Corporate Director (Finance and Performance). 


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) submitted a report on progress made to date in developing a shared services programme for the Council and to seek agreement to proposals regarding the management for Revenues and Benefits. 


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


In respect of the proposed shared Revenues and Benefits arrangements


Option 1


To endorse the framework agreed by the joint officer Project Board to develop shared services arrangements as set out in the report.  Whilst there are risks attached that could impact on the performance of the service, it is felt that these can be managed and the proposal overall represents a way of achieving greater value for money in this service area.


Option 2


Not to endorse the framework.  This would lose a potential opportunity and other options would need to be explored.


Option 3


To recommend to the Project Board an alternative framework.  Again, any alternatives would need further consideration.


The preferred option is option 1. This would provide a mutually acceptable framework for progressing and implementing the shared Revenues and Benefits service project. This would deliver efficiencies and savings for both council’s to the extent already provided in the draft revenue budget and offer opportunities for further savings and improvement


In respect of Options for other shared services/joint working with local authorities and other partners


Option 1


Option 1 is to note the progress being made as outlined in section 3 above and request officers to continue to develop shared service /joint working opportunities


Option 2


Option 2 is note progress made to date but request officers to continue developing an amended or revised schedule of opportunities


The preferred option is option 1. This would allow officers to continue developing efficiency opportunities within the service activities already identified with a view to bringing forward further options for meeting the council’s medium term financial strategy’s targets


Councillor Langhorn moved, seconded by Councillor Mace:-


“That the recommendations in the report be approved.”


Members then voted: -


Resolved unanimously:


(1)               That Cabinet notes the progress made to date in developing a Shared Services Programme for the Council. 


(2)               That Cabinet approves the arrangements for the provision of management services from Preston City Council for Revenues and Benefits, as outlined in the report. 


(3)               That officers continue developing partnership opportunities for achieving service improvements and efficiencies as set out in section 3 of the report with a view to reporting back to a future meeting of Cabinet as appropriate. 


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Finance and Performance). 


Reasons for making the decision:


Much work has been undertaken in identifying and developing opportunities that would see the Lancaster District benefit from shared services/joint working with partner organisations.  Proceeding with the programme of opportunities so far identified is likely to offer realistic choices for the Cabinet to achieve further improvements and efficiencies to help the council meet the challenges and financial targets that it will face in the immediate future and beyond. 


Supporting documents: