Agenda item


To receive the Executive Annual Report containing the Business Progress Reports of the Leader and each Cabinet Member in accordance with Article 7.06 (j).


Whilst the Executive Report will be published as a separate document in due course the individual reports are included in the agenda and will be presented by the relevant Cabinet Member at the meeting.


(Councillor Archer re-iterated her personal and prejudicial interest in relation to the Winter Gardens and advised that she would be unable to answer any questions relating to that matter as part of her report.


Councillor June Ashworth declared a personal and prejudicial interest as a Trustee of the Morecambe Bay Partnership in relation to the Morecambe Bay Regional Park referred to during questions on Councillor Archer’s report below.


Councillor Sarah Fishwick declared a personal interest as a member of the Vision Board referred to in Councillor Archer’s report below.)


In accordance with Article 7.06(k), the Leader and each Member of Cabinet had produced a written business progress report for 2008/09. 


The Leader presented his report on his portfolio, followed by Councillors Mace, Archer, Barry, Blamire, Burns, Charles, Gilbert and Kerr who also answered a number of questions.


It was noted that Councillor Fletcher had submitted apologies for the meeting and it was moved by Councillor Barry and seconded by Councillor Day:


‘That the annual report of Councillor Fletcher be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of Council.’


On being put to the vote the Mayor declared the proposition clearly carried.




(1)               That the reports of Cabinet Members, Councillors Bryning, Mace, Archer, Barry, Blamire, Burns, Charles, Gilbert and Kerr be received.


(2)               That the report of Cabinet Member, Councillor Fletcher, be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of Council.  

Supporting documents: