Agenda item

Consideration of the Budget Proposals

The Panel are advised to read the Budget Report to Cabinet on 17th February.  Cabinet’s recommendations on the Budget will be reported to the Panel at the meeting.


Minutes from the meeting of Cabinet on the 17th February 2009 were circulated to the Panel for their consideration.


Members were informed that the recommended Budget would go forward to Budget Council for consideration at its meeting on the 4th March.  The recommendations balanced the budget in line with the decision to increase the City Council element of Council Tax by 4%. 


It was reported that achieving a balanced budget had involved stringent housekeeping and Cabinet had undertaken a full review of how the Council’s services were provided to ensure that effective services were being delivered in the most efficient ways.


Members noted that savings recommended by Cabinet included:


  • Efficiency savings at Salt Ayre Sports Centre
  • Reduction in mowing at Lancaster Cemetery and on Broadway Bridge in Morecambe
  • Reducing the Mayoral budget
  • Restructuring services so that they worked more efficiently and reducing some service provision and management and support service costs
  • Reducing public toilet provision by 13 and introducing a Community Toilet Scheme (Members noted that this was subject to Call-in)
  • Discontinuation of the Festival Innovation Fund and associated staffing
  • Reduction in grant to a number of externally supported bodies
  • Reduction in grant to Morecambe and Lancaster Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB)


It was reported that Cabinet had also considered pay inflation for 2009/10 and the application of Redeployment and Early Termination Policies, and had resolved to take no further action regarding pay inflation.  Cabinet had also resolved to offer voluntary redundancy to people in those service areas ‘affected’, and that Personnel Committee review its Redeployment and Early Termination of Employment Policy. 


Councillor Farrow declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item, being on the Board of the Citizens Advice Bureau, vacated the room during consideration thereof and did not vote on the item.


Councillor Sherlock declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item, being on the Board of the Citizens Advice Bureau, vacated the Chair and the room during consideration thereof and did not vote on the item.


The Vice-Chairman, Councillor Whitelegg, took the Chair.


The Panel considered Cabinet Minute 151(1) 2008/09 “That Cabinet recommends that support for the management of the two Citizens Advice Bureaux be reduced by £20,000 for 2009/10 onwards in total (£10,000 reduction for each Citizens Advice Bureau)”.


It was proposed by Councillor Whitelegg and seconded by Councillor Coates:


“That, in consideration of the Panel’s recommendation at its meeting on the 27th January 2009 that the budget process fully recognises the need to protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged and those groups most likely to suffer from the credit crunch and recession, the Panel recommend to Council that the proposed cut of £20,000 to the funding of the two Citizens Advice Bureaux be withdrawn.”


Upon being put to the vote, 2 Members voted in favour of the proposition, 2 Members against, with 1 abstention, whereupon the Chairman, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19.2, used his casting vote and declared the proposal carried by virtue of his casting vote.




(1)        That the oral report be noted.


(2)        That, in consideration of the Panel’s recommendation at its meeting on the 27th January 2009 that the budget process fully recognises the need to protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged and those groups most likely to suffer from the credit crunch and recession, the Panel recommend to Council that the proposed cut of £20,000 to the funding of the two Citizens Advice Bureaux be withdrawn.


Councillors Farrow and Sherlock returned to the room and Councillor Sherlock resumed the Chair.