Agenda item

Public Speaking at Cabinet

Report of the Head of Democratic Services. 


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Mace)


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report to allow Cabinet to review the procedure for public speaking at meetings of Cabinet, as previously requested. 


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


The options are set out below:-


Public Speaking at Cabinet meetings:


Option No.




That the current arrangements be continued, with the Council Business Committee being recommended to consider allowing members of the general public to speak on items of urgent business or items submitted after the publication of the Agenda, as detailed within the report .  In considering this option Cabinet may feel it to be appropriate to make recommendations on the amendment of Cabinet Procedure Rules for Ward Councillors speaking to be in line with those of the general public (i.e. with the same deadlines).  This could involve extending the deadline for reports that are submitted late, or are to be considered as urgent business until 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the meeting, or other time that Members may feel appropriate. 

Cabinet may also wish to incorporate Rules relating to speaking on more than one occasion being introduced in order to bring into line with those of the Planning Committee. 

This would mean that members of the public and Ward Councillors would be allowed to speak at meetings of Cabinet on all items of business that are known to require a decision prior to the meeting.  A report would need to be submitted to the Council Business Committee on any Cabinet recommendations that would require amendment to the City Council’s Constitution. 


Allowing the general public and/or Ward Councillors to speak on urgent business items or reports submitted after the publication of the Agenda would, with such a late deadline, not give Officers enough time to re-order the Agenda and notification of speakers would need to be given at the meeting. 






Adopting procedures in accordance with those of the Planning Committee would make the Council’s Rules consistent and would also ensure that there was no duplication in making a repeated address to Cabinet. 


That the existing procedure be continued with no alterations. 

This approach would support the public being allowed to speak at meetings of Cabinet on any topic within the Council’s area of responsibility and ensure that there was an element of consistency with other meetings of the Council.  However, it would not support the public or Ward Councillors speaking on urgent business items or reports submitted after the publication of the Agenda where the content of the report is unknown when the deadline for speaking has passed. 


There would be benefits such as savings on printing costs that would be required with a new leaflet and meetings of Cabinet may be shorter with the possibility of fewer public speakers. 


That Cabinet make alternative recommendations on the process. 

Any alternative proposals may require a more detailed report to consider the implications of the proposals. 



Officers would support option 1 to continue to allow speaking by members of the general public and to recommend the amendment of the Constitution by the Council Business Committee to enable both the general public and Ward Members to speak on items of urgent business and reports circulated after the publication of the Agenda.  It would also bring a more consistent approach mirroring the process of the Planning Committee.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Charles:-


“That Cabinet recommend to Council Business Committee that public speakers at Cabinet make a written version of their speech or questions available for Cabinet Members prior to the meeting.”


By way of amendment, Councillor Barry proposed and Councillor Burns seconded:


“(1)      That Cabinet recommend to Council Business Committee that public speakers at Cabinet be asked to provide a written version of their speech or questions in advance wherever possible and be prepared to respond to questions from Cabinet Members at the meeting, if necessary.”


Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet recommend to Council Business Committee that public speakers at Cabinet be asked to provide a written version of their speech or questions in advance wherever possible and be prepared to respond to questions from Cabinet Members at the meeting, if necessary.




Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Head of Democratic Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision allows Cabinet to propose the changes it would like to effect to Cabinet public speaking procedure to the Council Business Committee for incorporation in to the Constitution.

Supporting documents: