Agenda item

Williamson Park Company - Request for Assistance

Report of the Chief Executive.


(It was noted that Councillor Burns had previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item in view of her role as a member of the Williamson Park Board of Directors. Councillor Burns left the meeting prior to consideration of this item. It was further noted that the Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) had also declared an interest as Secretary to the Williamson Park Board of Directors. He also left the meeting prior to consideration of this item.)


The Chief Executive submitted a report asking Cabinet to consider the request of the Williamson Park Board for both operational and financial assistance in order to secure the long term viability of the Park.


Members were also provided with a supplementary report, exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 2 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) advising Members of an urgent business decision.


Councillor Fletcher moved and Councillor Archer seconded:-


“(1)      That Cabinet notes the request from the Williamson Park Company for further council support and agrees the following :-


·         Endorses the urgent business decision in respect of interim management arrangements within the Park as a result of staff sickness absence.


·         That Financial Services provide interim financial management support for the Company, the exact extent of the support to be determined by the Head of Financial Services, in conjunction with the  Head of Cultural Services, following a review of the current arrangements


·         That the Council provides short term cash flow support to the Company pending a full review of the financial position.


(2)       That Cabinet receives a further report back on the long term future viability of the Company as part of the 2009/10 budget process pending the outcome of the reviews detailed above and receives a report on the latest position at the next Cabinet meeting.”


Members then voted as follows:


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet notes the request from the Williamson Park Company for further council support and agrees the following :-


·         Endorses the urgent business decision in respect of interim management arrangements within the Park as a result of staff sickness absence.


·         That Financial Services provide interim financial management support for the Company, the exact extent of the support to be determined by the Head of Financial Services, in conjunction with the  Head of Cultural Services, following a review of the current arrangements


·         That the Council provides short term cash flow support to the Company pending a full review of the financial position.


(2)       That Cabinet receives a further report back on the long term future viability of the Company as part of the 2009/10 budget process pending the outcome of the reviews detailed above and receives a report on the latest position at the next Cabinet meeting.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Head of Financial Services

Head of Cultural Services


Reason for making the decision:


The decision provides an opportunity for the Cabinet to revisit its previous decision regarding the options for the long term viability of the Company.

Supporting documents: