Agenda item

1st Quarterly Corporate Performance Monitoring Report

Report of Cabinet Member with Portfolio Responsibility for Performance Management Efficiency


Councillor Charles was in attendance at the meeting, in her capacity as Cabinet Member with Portfolio Responsibility for Performance Management and Efficiency. 


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) updated the Panel on the 1st Quarterly Corporate Performance Monitoring.  The report detailed ‘red traffic light’ areas where the Council was not performing to its targets.  Members were advised that as the report only reflected the 1st Quarter measures were already in place to tackle many factors resulting in targets not being met.  Where it was not clear if individual Cabinet Members had not already effected corrective action, Councillor Charles had requested further information to satisfy herself that actions were in place to resolve areas of concern.  


In respect of the financial monitoring aspect of the report, Members were advised that better investment rates had resulted in an increase of £65,000, however negative fuel costs of £126,000 and additional costs were estimated with regard to Lancaster Market rents.  Significant savings in respect of salary management did however mean that there was a current £212,000 net underspend against the original budget at the end of June 2008, but it was anticipated that this would reduce to £80,000 by the end of the year.  Members were also advised of an underspend with regard to the Housing Revenue Account which had resulted from 5 unfilled vacancies in the Repairs and Maintenance Section.  It was noted that queries regarding this and other issues could be raised at the special meeting of the Panel to be held on 16th September 2008, with Service Heads being invited to the meeting. 


The Panel noted that following her consideration of the financial position at the end of June 2008, Councillor Charles had asked for 5 issues to be clarified to satisfy her that action was being taken.  These were set out in the papers within the report. 


Resolved: -


(1)        That the report be noted. 

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