Agenda item

Renewable Energy Tariff

To consider the following motion, notice of which has been received from Councillors Anne Chapman, Jon Barry, Chris Coates and Emily Heath:


“This Council notes:


-  that the UK produces less than 2% of its total energy from Renewable Energy  sources and is at the bottom the European Renewable Energy ‘league table’


- that countries in the European Union that have adopted a fixed term Renewable Energy Tariff such as Germany, Italy and Spain have seen a substantial rise in the percentage of their energy from renewable sources.


This Council:


 -  supports the amendment to the Energy Bill currently before Parliament that calls on Government to establish a Renewable Energy Tariff within 12 months for the generation of local renewable heat, renewable power and renewable gas.


- will write to the Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks MP calling on the UK Government  to act with urgency and to ensure the adoption of a Tariff for local energy under the current Energy Bill which will now be delayed over Summer.


-  will contact Friends of the Earth and the Renewable Energy Association informing them of our support for their campaign.”



An Officer Briefing Note is attached.



(Councillors Sarah Fishwick and Mike Greenall declared personal and prejudicial interests in the following item due to their employment in the energy industry and left the meeting during consideration thereof.)


The following motion submitted to the Chief Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15 was moved by Councillor Anne Chapman and seconded by Councillor Emily Heath:


“(1)   That this Council notes:


-                that the UK produces less than 2% of its total energy from Renewable Energy  sources and is at the bottom the European Renewable Energy ‘league table’


-                that countries in the European Union that have adopted a fixed term Renewable Energy Tariff such as Germany, Italy and Spain have seen a substantial rise in the percentage of their energy from renewable sources.


(2)        That this Council:


 -    supports the amendment to the Energy Bill currently before Parliament that calls on Government to establish a Renewable Energy Tariff within 12 months for the generation of local renewable heat, renewable power and renewable gas.


-     will write to the Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks MP calling on the UK Government  to act with urgency and to ensure the adoption of a Tariff for local energy under the current Energy Bill which will now be delayed over Summer.


-     will contact Friends of the Earth and the Renewable Energy Association informing them of our support for their campaign.”


A briefing note providing background information was provided by the Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) who answered a number of questions prior to the commencement of the debate. 


During the questions, the issue was raised regarding the potential for Members to have an interest which should be declared in relation to organisations involved in the promotion of renewable energy.


In moving the motion, Councillor Chapman explained her personal circumstances as an unpaid director of a company involved in promoting renewable energy but not benefitting financially in any way.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Heath.


(During the ensuing debate, further reference was made to Members’ interests and at this point, Councillors Anne Chapman and Chris Coates declared a personal interest in the item by virtue of their positions in a company involved in promoting renewable energy.)


Councillor Dennison then moved the following amendment, seconded by Councillor Kerr:


“That (2) above be amended to insert the words ‘in principle’ after ‘this Council – supports’ and ‘and seek to confirm its continuing support on receipt of the Minister’s proposals’ after the word ‘summer’.”


With the agreement of the meeting and her seconder, Councillor Chapman accepted this as a friendly amendment.


There followed a further debate and Councillor Kirkman then proposed an additional amendment, seconded by Councillor Histed:


‘That the final sentence of (2) above regarding contacting Friends of the Earth and the Renewable Energy Association be deleted.’


With the agreement of the meeting and her seconder, Councillor Chapman accepted this too as a friendly amendment.


At the conclusion of a further lengthy debate a vote was taken when 17 Members voted for the motion, as amended, 23 against and 6 abstained, whereupon the Mayor declared the motion lost.

Supporting documents: