Agenda item

Lancaster Science Park

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Abbott Bryning)


Report to follow.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Abbott Bryning)


(Mr T Hamilton-Cox, who had registered to speak on this item in accordance with the City Council’s agreed procedure and Cabinet Procedure Rule 2.7, spoke to this item)


The Head of Economic Development & Tourism submitted a report that advised of progress with project development work for Lancaster Science Park and requested confirmation that the Council should lead the next stages of project development, including the submission of outline planning application and recruitment of a development partner.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment were set out in the report as follows:


Options and Options Analysis (including risk assessment)





Risk assessment

1: Do nothing – do not proceed with the project


The opportunity to secure a regionally significant strategic employment site will be lost.


Adverse impact on the Council’s relationship with NWDA and Lancaster University

The Council would be in default of its funding agreement with NWDA and its contract with the current landowner, and may face action for breach of contract with the latter. (These are primarily reputational issues rather than significant financial ones)


2: Proceed with the project as outlined in this report, seeking to transfer risk associated with the Innovation Centre to a development partner

Secures a major strategic project for the District, leading to the anticipated release of £10+ million NWDA funding



A private sector operator may take a more commercial approach towards operation of the Innovation Centre and this may reduce the level of advice and support given to tenant businesses compared with a non profit operation


Achieves the strategic benefits from the project whilst minimising ongoing operational costs and risks for the Council


Possibility that the private sector may not respond

3: Develop the Innovation Centre as a public sector project and manage it either directly or via the University

May provide the most supportive form of  management for tenant businesses



NWDA would not support this approach unless option (2) has failed to attract developer interest

Leaves the Council with the risk of meeting any operational deficit in future years.  Note this option would need to be the subject of a full appraisal before being considered in any detail.



The Officer preferred option was Option 2. 


It was moved by Councillor Abbott Bryning and seconded by Councillor Shirley Burns:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.” 


Members then voted as follows.




(6 Members (Councillors Blamire, Bryning, Burns, Charles, Gilbert and Mace voted in favour, 2 Members (Councillors Barry and Fletcher) voted against and 2 Members (Councillors Archer and Kerr) abstained):


(1)     That, subject to release of sufficient project development funding from the NWDA, the Corporate Director (Regeneration) be authorised to proceed with the next phases of project development, including the recruitment of a development partner on the basis outlined in the report, and commissioning of relevant specialist consultancy support.


(2)     That a further report be made back to Cabinet on the outcome of the developer recruitment and to agree the detailed terms and conditions of the development agreement.


(3)     That the Head of Financial Services be authorised to make the appropriate adjustments to the revenue and capital budgets.


(4)     That the Corporate Director (Regeneration) be authorised to make any amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding  with Lancaster University if these are required to reflect the revised approach to the project, in consultation with the Head of Legal and HR and the Head of Financial Services.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration).

Head of Economic Development & Tourism. 

Head of Financial Services. 

Head of Legal and HR. 


Reason for making the decision:


The decision secures a major strategic project for the District, leading to the anticipated release of £10+ million NWDA funding. 


Lancaster Science Park is a key strategic project for the City Council, Lancaster University, Lancashire Sub Region and North West Regional Development Agency.  Now that a way forward has been identified for the highways issues, the Council is the most appropriate organisation to take the lead in taking it forward. 


It is very much in the Council’s interest to secure the involvement of a private sector development partner at an early stage. If successful, this will allow the Council to minimise the operational risks associated with the ongoing operation of the project.

Supporting documents: