Agenda item

Member Development Strategy Review

Report of the Head of Democratic Services.


Members were requested to review the Member Development Strategy in light of the new Corporate Priorities that had been agreed by the Council and the issues that had emerged from the recent CPA report.


The review had highlighted four main areas that required inclusion within the Strategy – Political Leadership, Equality and Diversity/Accessible Services, Community Engagement and Action on Climate Change.


With regard to Political Leadership, Members agreed that this should be a project area for Officers to investigate how the induction and support for Cabinet Members could be improved upon. It was suggested the two Cabinet Members who had recently stepped down should be offered exit interviews and that Cabinet should be asked what support was needed and how this could be achieved.


If was further suggested that Democratic Services should provide a list of what was expected of Group Administrators as it was felt by some that the role was vague.


The Committee went on to discuss Equality training and the CPA report which highlighted this as a weakness for the Council.


It was agreed that the Committee submit a report to full Council to consider making Equality training mandatory for all Members.


Members went on to consider the issues of Community Engagement and local communities having more influence and involvement in service delivery and the decision making process. It was felt that this was an important area of work especially with the white paper on Community Engagement expected in the coming month. It was agreed that it should be included in the Strategy as a priority and a further project area.


With regard to Action on Climate Change, it was agreed that the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Climate Change should be requested to circulate a briefing note on the Council’s position on the issue which could be followed by a briefing session if there was demand.


It was further agreed that a link should be included on the Council’s internet giving details on the measures the Council has in place regarding climate change locally.


Members agreed that the Strategy required updating to include reference to the review that was taking place and that it should also include a section on one to one interviews and statutory training for regulatory committees. It was also agreed that reference to the Member training budget and conferences as agreed in the previous Minute should be included.


In a discussion on one to one interviews, it was agreed that Group Administrators should be copied into correspondence on training courses identified for Members of their political party. It was further agreed that a list of Members by political party who had not undertaken a one to one interview should be sent to Group Administrators.


Resolved :


(1)     That the Strategy be updated and include a reference to the review.


(2)     That Political Leadership be included as a priority in the Strategy as a project area and that Officers investigate how the induction and support for Cabinet Members could be improved upon.


(3)     That the Strategy include :


(a)   A section on one to one interviews.

(b)   Statutory training for Regulatory Committees that arises throughout the year.

(c)  Information about the Member training budget and conferences.


(4)     That Community Engagement be included in the Strategy as a priority and a further project area.


(5)     That Cabinet be consulted on improving support for Cabinet Members and how this could be achieved.


(6)     That the two Cabinet Members who had recently stepped down be offered exit interviews.


(7)     That the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Climate Change be   requested to circulate a briefing note on the Council’s position on the issue, followed by a briefing session if there was demand.


(8)         That a link be included on the Council’s internet giving details on the measures the Council has in place regarding climate change locally.


(9)     That the Head of Democratic Services provide details of what is expected of Group Administrators.


(10)   That Group Administrators be copied into correspondence on training courses identified for Members of their political party.


(11)   That a list of Members by political party who have not undertaken a one to one interview be sent to Group Administrators.


(12)     That the Committee submit a report to full Council asking Council to consider making Equality training mandatory for all Members.


(13)   That a draft revised Member Development Strategy be considered at the next           meeting of the Committee.

Supporting documents: