Agenda item

Item of Urgent Business - Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Appointments


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


In accordance with Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman agreed to consider the report as an item of urgent business as it enabled Cabinet to appoint Cabinet Member representatives on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Board and Management Group.  This would ensure that the City Council was represented at any meetings of the Board and Management Group convened prior to the next meeting of Cabinet. 


Cabinet considered a referral from the Council Business Committee regarding Cabinet appointments to the Local Strategic Partnership. 


With regard to the options, options analysis, including risk assessment, it was noted that it was for Cabinet to decide on the appointment of Cabinet Members to each of the above.


It was moved by Councillor Jon Barry and seconded by Councillor June Ashworth: -


“That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed as Cabinet’s representative on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Board and Councillor Eileen Blamire be appointed to the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Management Group.”


By way of amendment it was moved by Councillor Tony Johnson and seconded by Councillor Roger Mace: -


“That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed as Cabinet’s representative on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Board and Management Group, with Councillor Eileen Blamire being the Cabinet Member substitute for both meetings for the intervening period and that these appointments be reviewed at the first meeting of Cabinet of the new Municipal Year.” 


On being put to the vote 2 Members (Councillors Tony Johnson and Roger Mace) voted in favour of the amendment, 4 Members voted against (Councillors June Ashworth, Jon Barry, Abbott Bryning and John Gilbert) and 1 Member (Councillor Eileen Blamire) abstained from voting, whereupon the Chairman declared the amendment to be lost. 


It was moved by Councillor Roger Mace and seconded by Councillor Tony Johnson:


“That the meeting adjourn”.


Upon being put to the vote 4 Members voted in favour (Councillors Eileen Blamire, Abbott Bryning, Roger Mace and Tony Johnson) and 3 Members voted against (Councillors June Ashworth, Jon Barry and John Gilbert), whereupon the Chairman declared the proposition to be carried. 


(The meeting adjourned at 11.30 a.m. and re-convened at 11.40 a.m.)


With the agreement of his seconder and the meeting Councillor Jon Barry withdrew his previous proposition and moved, with the agreement of his seconder Councillor June Ashworth: -


“That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed as Cabinet’s representative on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Board, with Councillor Eileen Blamire being the substitute Member and that Councillor Eileen Blamire be appointed to the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Management Group, with Councillor Roger Mace being the substitute Member, and that these appointments be reviewed at the first meeting of Cabinet of the new Municipal Year.” 


Members then voted as follows.


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed as Cabinet’s representative on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Board, with Councillor Eileen Blamire being the substitute Member and that Councillor Eileen Blamire be appointed to the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Management Group, with Councillor Roger Mace being the substitute Member. 


(2)     That these appointments be reviewed at the first meeting of Cabinet of the new Municipal Year. 


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive. 

Head of Democratic Services. 


Reason for making the decision:


The decision is in accordance with the recommendations of the Council Business Committee of 6th March 2008.  It ensures that the City Council is represented by Cabinet Members at any meetings of the Board and Management Group convened prior to the next meeting of Cabinet.  The decision to review membership at the first meeting of Cabinet in the new Municipal Year will enable Cabinet to consider thematic Groups and any CSP appointments to the Partnership Board and Management Group that may have an impact on the decision on Cabinet appointments.