Agenda item

Work Programme Report

Report of the Head of Democratic Services


The Democratic Support Officer presented a report to update Members on the Panel’s Work Programme.  Members were advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had referred 3 items for the Panel’s consideration following their discussion with the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Housing, namely:-


(1)     That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to look at non-priority repairs in Council Housing and Councillors be asked to inform Democratic Services of any cases they are aware of.


(2)     That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to look at the budgetary issues regarding the funding of building conversions in the West End.


(3)         That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to consider the adequacy of social rented housing provision in the District.


Members of the Panel agreed they had not received enough detailed background information regarding the requested items to add them to the Work Programme.  It was agreed that Overview and Scrutiny and relevant Officers be requested to provide briefing notes with additional information concerning the rationale and scope of each piece of work regarding the items referred for further investigation.


Members were advised of a future training event that would be hosted at Lancaster Town Hall on Monday, 10th March 2008.  It was reported that the session would be conducted by Frances Taylor and would deal predominantly with issues of Local Authority Budgets and Performance Management.


The Panel was advised that following a request at the Panel’s meeting on 15th January 2008, information regarding all free and subsidised parking permits authorised by the City Council would be included in the parking report that was already due for consideration at the next meeting on 26th February 2008.


Members discussed the information received from the Head of Economic Development and Tourism regarding the contractual status of the Storey Creative Industries Project. It was agreed that an update report on the development with the contractual status of the Storey Creative industries Project be requested for the Panel’s consideration at its next meeting.




(1)     That briefing notes be requested providing additional information concerning the rationale and scope of each of the following pieces of work, referred from Overview and Scrutiny for further investigation:-


(a)   That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to look at non-priority repairs in Council Housing and Councillors be asked to inform Democratic Services of any cases they are aware of.


(b)   That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to look at the budgetary issues regarding the funding of building conversions in the West End.


(c)   That the Budget and Performance Panel be asked to consider the adequacy of social rented housing provision in the District.


(2)     That Members note that additional information regarding all free and subsidised parking permits authorised by the City Council will be available as part of the parking report due for consideration at the meeting on 26th February 2008.


(3)     That Members note the upcoming Overview and Scrutiny training event taking place at Lancaster Town Hall on Monday, 10th March 2008.


(4)     That an update report on the development with the contractual status of the Storey Creative industries Project be requested for the Panel’s consideration at its next meeting.

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