Agenda item

Budget and Policy Framework Proposals

The Leader of the Council has been invited to deliver a presentation on the Budget and Policy Framework Proposals


The Leader of the Council delivered a presentation on the City Council’s draft Budget and Policy Framework Proposals.  It was reported that the development of the proposals had included a wide internal and external consultation and had been modified by Cabinet and Council and were subject to further modification prior to the Corporate Plan’s formal adoption at Full Council in April 2008.


Members were advised that the proposals were developed to continue the Council’s aims to meet its Medium Term Objectives, with a particular emphasis on keeping the City Council element of Council Tax increase to acceptable levels. 


It was reported that 2007/08 had seen the establishment of Customer Service Centres at both Town Halls to improve service accessibility and the Council had increased use of information technology systems used by staff to further develop a service culture that embraced transformational change.


Members were advised that the Council worked closely with the Community Safety Partnership to deliver crime reduction targets and continued to develop the sustainable Regeneration Programme throughout the district, based on the economic vision and strategy.  The Council had been particularly effective at attracting external funding to deliver the economic vision and strategy.


It was reported that the Council continued to develop local responses to mitigate and adapt to Climate Change and further develop local communities that influenced and had a greater involvement in service delivery and decision making.  The Panel was advised that 2007/08 had seen the piloting of Neighbourhood Management Techniques in rural areas following the success of the schemes in the Poulton and West End areas of Morecambe.


It was reported that the budget proposals met the Council’s target for a rise on Council Tax of 4.5%, aided by a number of savings proposals that had been agreed in Star Chamber meetings throughout the Municipal Year.  Members were advised that these included a saving of £40,000, anticipated through a change in concessionary travel policy across the country, and there was also a small projected saving in parking permits that had been revoked following recommendations by the Panel.


The Leader reported a number of growth proposals scheduled for the next three years including additional staff and support for Regeneration and Cemeteries administration following recommendation by the Cemeteries Task Group.  It was noted that there were further growth proposals, particularly in improving children’s services and supporting the sanctuary scheme for victims of domestic violence, which had been funded by other sources and, consequently, had no impact on Council Tax.


Members were advised that further budget meetings would take place culminating in Budget Council, due to take place on 27th February 2008, when Council Tax for 2008/09 would be agreed and the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme would be subject to approval.


The Leader answered a number of questions on the Cabinet’s Budget and Policy Framework proposals from the Panel and representatives from other organisations.  Members raised concern for the 2009/10 budget should the capital receipts projected for the sale of Council assets not be realised.  It was reported that the robustness of the Capital Programme in light of such implications was due to be considered by the Panel at its meeting on 26th February 2008.




(1)        That the Leader be thanked for his presentation and that Cabinet’s Budget and Policy Framework proposals be noted.


(2)        That a report be brought before the Panel at its meeting on 26th February 2008 detailing the robustness of the financing of the Council’s Capital Programme.


The meeting adjourned at 5.29 p.m. and reconvened at 5.35 p.m.