Agenda item

Civic Review Implementation Plan

Report of the Head of Democratic Services


The Head of Democratic Services presented a report which updated Members on the implementation of recommendations made by the Civic Task Group that had been agreed by Council in December 2006.  The report set out details of those recommendations which had been implemented as well as suggesting some amendments as a result of initial findings which Members were requested to consider.


Members considered the recommendations at length.


Resolved :


(1)          That the action taken to date and completion of items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 33 and 46 in the implementation plan be noted.


(2)          That in respect of the Civic Tour, the views of other Lancashire Authorities be noted and it be accepted that the inclusion of a Civic Tour be reinstated in the annual Civic programme within available budgets and the intention to promote the tourism potential of the event for all participating districts in accordance with item 30 in the plan be noted.


(3)          That no further action be taken to develop a link between the Mayor’s Charity and staff charity events, but it be noted that Mayoral events will continue to be advertised on Outlook, allowing those members of staff who wish to support the Mayor’s Charity the opportunity to do so.


(4)          That in relation to Annual Council and Mayor-Making:


(a)          Schoolchildren continue to be encouraged to attend the Mayor-making ceremony and in addition an information note about Annual Council and Mayor Making be prepared and sent with all school invitations to give an awareness of the event and its purpose, with additional information that the Mayor can visit schools at their invitation by prior arrangement with the Mayor’s Office.


(b)          Promotion of the event and invitation to attend be extended to further education establishments in the District.


(c)          For 2008, 5 members of the public, each with the option of bringing a paying guest (i.e. total of a maximum of 10), be invited to attend Annual Council and the celebration afterwards, chosen by ballot from those applying via the local press.


(5)     That, in relation to Mayor’s Sunday:


(a)         the parade on Mayor’s Sunday be reinstated with effect from May 2008


(b)         the inclusion of multi-faith prayers at the Mayor’s Sunday Service be extended to include song and verse as appropriate and in consultation with each individual Mayor


(c)         no further action be taken with regard to inviting the Civic Heads of Lancashire to attend Mayor’s Sunday.


(d)         That the date of Annual Council for 2008/09, be confirmed as previously suggested in the 2007/08 timetable as Friday 16th May, with Mayor’s Sunday on Sunday 18th May 2008, allowing promotion of the event to commence at an early stage.


(6)               That subject to any adverse comments from the Universities, the format of the former Overseas Students’ Reception be amended for 2007/08 to include all first year students and that it be held on a date to be agreed in early December 2007, details to be considered in consultation with the University representatives.


(7)               That with regard to the Mayoral at Homes


(a)               no further action be taken with regard to the proposal to arrange an additional Mayoral At Home.


(b)               commencing in 2008/09, 2 Mayoral At Homes be held in the existing Council venues towards the end of the Mayoral Year, with one of the events being held on a Saturday on an experimental basis by agreement with the Mayor.


(8)               That the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to continue investigating the possibility of a civic presence at the Community Festival currently held in Williamsons Park and a similar event in Happy Mount Park with a view to developing this as an alternative to a Community Festival and Parade on the Saturday of Mayor-making.


(9)               That, it be noted that progress reports on the above and items currently listed as pending in the Implementation Plan will be submitted to this committee in due course.  

Supporting documents: