Agenda and minutes

Older People's Task Group - Tuesday, 9th November 2010 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Lancaster Town Hall

Contact: Jenny Kay, telephone: 01524 582065 or email 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman

Following the sad death of Councillor John Barnes, Chairman of the Task Group, nominations for Chairman are requested.


Members were reminded of the sad death of the Chairman of the Task Group, Councillor John Barnes. Nominations were requested for Chairman for the remainder of the Task Group’s meetings.


It was proposed by Councillor Greenall and seconded by Councillor Chapman :


“That Councillor Morgwn Trolinger be appointed Chairman of the Older People’s Task Group.”


Resolved :


That Councillor Morgwn Trolinger be appointed Chairman of the Older People’s Task Group.





The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th October 2009 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Mapping Exercise of Council Services for Older People

(a)        To give an example of the work undertaken by the Council, Officers from     Health and Housing Services will attend.


A copy of a mapping exercise on Council services relating to older people was circulated to the Task Group.


The Chairman welcomed Chris Hanna, Principal Housing Manager and Kathy Sinclair, Strategic Housing Officer, to the meeting.


The Task Group was given a presentation which set out the role of the Council within the Supporting People framework. Supporting People was a national grant funded programme which funded partnership working with the Council, Social Services, Health and the Probation service. Its aim was to prevent vulnerable people experiencing crisis which resulted in costly interventions. It also enabled vulnerable people to live independently through housing related support.


Members were advised that the older people’s Supporting People service was currently under review. Consultations were underway and the findings would decide the future delivery of the service.


Chris Hanna went on to advise the Task Group of the work undertaken by Council Housing within the district for older people. The Council owned 575 units of sheltered accommodation, 309 units of community alarm accommodation, over a thousand private sector community alarm clients and 233 Telecare clients. The Council had been awarded a number of accreditations  for its good work in this area. These services were funded by Supporting People, Telecare and the Council itself.


Members of the Task Group asked a number of questions relating to the review of the Supporting People service, the assisted garden maintenance that was given and home insulation schemes.


Information on the proportion of older people who rented accommodation and were owner occupiers was requested. It was agreed that this information would be circulated to Members of the Task Group.


The Chairman thanked Chris and Kathy for their informative presentation.


Members went on to consider the mapping exercise that had been produced which set out which Council services dealt specifically with older people.


Concern was expressed over how the Council and its partners would deal with the integration of services following the Comprehensive Spending Review.


The Head of Community Engagement explained that the total family concept was seen as the way forward. This was a way of all the agencies working together as a team rather than separately which would reduce the number of staff needed and also drive down the cost.


With regard to community engagement, it was suggested that the Council should support the activities at a local level for older people such as luncheon clubs and coffee mornings and perhaps create a map of what was offered within the district. This would highlight where in the district there was no infrastructure in place for such older people’s activities.


It was reported that Help Direct did have a Well Being directory and that Age Concern had chosen Lancaster to take part in a 3 year research project on older people.


It was agreed that details of a conference being provided by Age Concern would be circulated to Members of the Task Group.



Resolved :


(1)        That information on the proportion of older people who rented          accommodation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Consideration of amended Draft Strategy produced by the Older People's Partnership Board - will be circulated separately


Members of the Task Group were requested to consider the amended Draft Strategy for Older People that had been produced by the Older People’s Partnership Board.


It was suggested that the Task Group should have a further meeting to consider the draft strategy and invite Age Concern to the meeting to inform the Task Group of the research they were undertaking.


It was agreed that the Task Group’s Final Report should be considered at this meeting along with the implications of the Strategy for the Council.


Resolved :


(1)   That a further meeting of the Task Group be arranged to consider the amended Draft Strategy for Older People.


(2)   That Age Concern be invited to the meeting to inform the Task Group of the research they were undertaking.


(3)   That the Task Group’s Final Report be considered at this meeting along with the implications of the Strategy for the Council.