Agenda and minutes

Council Business Committee - Wednesday, 30th March 2011 5.00 p.m.

Venue: Lancaster Town Hall

Contact: Jenny Kay, Democratic Services - 01524 582065 - Email: 

No. Item



Minutes of meeting held on  13th January (previously circulated). 



The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2011 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Protocol on E-mails sent to all Councillors pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Report of Head of Governance

Additional documents:


The Democratic Services Manager presented a report which set out a recommendation of the Standards Committee regarding e-mails sent to all Councillors.


Members were advised that the Standards Committee had recently considered a complaint from a Councillor regarding e-mails being sent to all Councillors by Members. The Committee had agreed that no action should be taken and that a recommendation should be made to Council Business Committee regarding this.


The Committee discussed the issue and agreed with the Standards Committee recommendation that no action be taken.


Resolved :


That no action be taken regarding e-mails to all Councillors.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of Head of Governance

Additional documents:


Members were reminded that the Committee had, at the last meeting, requested a further report on the proposed amendments to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Terms of Reference to include the work of the Budget and Performance Panel. 


The Committee considered the report which gave details of the proposed changes to the Terms of Reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to incorporate the necessary scrutiny work currently undertaken by the Budget and Performance Panel and the standing down of the Panel.  A further proposed amendment to the Terms of Reference was to include a mechanism for engaging with Member of the County Council on locality working which would replace the Lancashire Local meetings that had ceased.


Members discussed the proposal regarding of the Budget and Performance Panel and it was felt that this would create too much work for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and would limit the opportunities for non-Cabinet Members to contribute to scrutiny.


With regard to the amendment of the Terms of Reference to include County Council functions, it was felt that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was the natural mechanism for this.


The Committee considered the options as set out in the report and agreed to make an alternative recommendation to keep Budget and Performance Panel in place but to amend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Terms of Reference to include a mechanism for engaging with Member of the County Council on locality working.



Resolved :


(1)        That the Committee recommends to Council that the Terms of Reference for           the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be revised to include :


To gain an overview of and scrutinise issues of mutual interest             pertaining to the Lancaster District with Members of the County             Council as and when appropriate. To be effected by way of a             standing item of business entitled “locality working”.


(2)        That the Committee recommends to Council that the Budget and performance             Panel remain in place.


Proposed Councillor's Induction Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of Head of Governance

Additional documents:


The Democratic Support Officer presented a report which set out the arrangements that had been made for the Induction programme for Councillors after the elections in May.


Members were advised that the format of the induction programme was similar to the  2007 induction as it had been so successful. Officers had taken on board feedback and studied the evaluations from the last induction and made some minor changes.


With regard to the Induction sessions, it had been suggested by the Committee some time ago that a Member elected in 2007 should be invited to speak to give their experiences as a newly elected Councillor. It was agreed that Officers would approach those Councillors who were standing again in the May elections to ascertain if they would be willing to speak.


It was reported that, at this stage, no IT training events had been arranged as it was thought to be more sensible to wait to ascertain the needs of new Councillors with regard to IT. It was suggested that Officers should continue to attend initial installation of laptops with Officers from Information Services to provide a more informal approach.


Members went on to discuss Personal Development Plans (PDPs) and it was suggested that they should be updated in an attempt to make them more informal. It was agreed that the Chairman and Councillors Bray and Dennison would meet with Officers to update the PDP process.


It was further agreed that internal phone directories should be included in the Members’ packs handed out to New Councillors when elected.


Resolved :


(1)        That Council Business Committee approves the proposed induction             arrangements for new and re-elected Members.


(2)        That Officers approach those Councillors newly elected in 2007 who were   standing again in the     May elections to ascertain if they would be willing to speak.


(3)        That the Chairman and Councillors Bray and Dennison would meet with      Officers to update the PDP process.


(4)        That internal phone directories be included in the Members’ packs handed out        to New Councillors when elected.




Appointments to Committees and Changes to Membership


Group Administrators were invited to put forward nominations for any changes to memberships of committees. The changes submitted by the Green Groups were accepted.


Resolved :


That the following nominations and changes to membership of committees be accepted.


Green Group


Budget and Performance Panel                                  Delete John Whitelegg                                                                                                add Ian McCulloch