Agenda and minutes

Council Business Committee - Thursday, 26th April 2012 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall - MTH. View directions

Contact: Peter Baines, Democratic Services - 01524 582074, or email 

No. Item



Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 (previously circulated). 



The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record.


Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Chairman


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Special Council Meeting 2012 pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The Committee considered a report with options for the Special Council meeting, scheduled to be held with young people from around the district on Wednesday 17th October 2012.


Following an introduction from the Senior Democratic Support Officer, the Head of Community Engagement addressed members on the merits of three options for the meeting: political speed dating, the pupil power game, or a world café-style discussion forum.


In the course of discussion, members considered each option in turn and reached agreement that the meeting would benefit from a combination of political speed dating, to break the ice, followed by the pupil power game.  The latter, it was felt, would enable the meeting to determine the young peoples’ view on where the council ought to focus funding in the subsequent budget.




1.         That the Special Council Meeting be opened with a round of political speed dating, followed by the pupil power game.  Officers from Community Engagement be asked to draw up more detailed proposals to come before a future meeting of this committee;


2.         That four young people per secondary school or sixth form college be invited to the event;


3.         That an early email be sent to all councillors, in order to gauge the likely number of elected members in attendance.


Member Development Charter pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Democratic Support Officer introduced a report on the Member Development Charter, which had originally been attained in 2008 and was now due for renewal.


It was noted that the council currently held the Charter at level one, and the committee was asked to determine whether or not to submit a bid to retain it, which would involve compliance with the following six points:


i.          continued commitment to member development demonstrated at all levels across the council;


ii.          as established member development strategy;


iii.         clarity of subject area and methods of delivery, based on a member needs assessment;


iv.         75% of members having completed a personal development plan;


v.         clear communication strategy which supports member development;


vi.         a method of evaluating learning and development activities and continuous improvement.


In the course of discussion, members expressed broad support for submitting a bid to retain the Charter which, it was felt, was of great benefit to member development at the council and ensured that minimum standards were in place.  However, it was agreed that the bid should be focused on producing genuine improvement to member development work, rather than retaining the Charter as an end in itself.




That the council apply to retain level one of the Member Development Charter.  The Senior Democratic Support Officer would bring a report to the next meeting with further information about the process and timescale to achieve this.


Appointments to Committees and Changes to Membership


There were no appointments or changes to membership.