Agenda and minutes

Council Business Committee - Thursday, 30th June 2011 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Lancaster Town Hall

Contact: Jenny Kay, Democratic Services - 01524 582065 - Email: 

No. Item


Appointment of Vice-Chairman


Nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Committee were requested.


It was proposed by Councillor Sherlock and seconded by Councillor Rogerson:


That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed Vice-Chairman of Council Business Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.


Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition.


In the absence of the Chairman, Councillor Mace took the Chair.


Resolved :


That Councillor Roger Mace be appointed Vice-Chairman of Council Business Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.




Minutes of meeting held on 30th March (previously circulated). 



The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th March 2011 were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a correct record.


Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Chairman


The Vice-Chairman advised that there was one item of urgent business to consider – an invitation for the Mayor to attend the opening of a new International Theatre in Perpignan, France. The item was deemed as urgent as a decision was required before the price of plane tickets increased.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Invitation from Perpignan, France


The Democratic Services Manager introduced a report which requested Members to consider whether an invitation for the Mayor to attend the opening of a new International Theatre in Perpignan, France, one of the Council’s twin towns, should be accepted.


It was reported that the invitation was for the Mayor and Mayoress plus one other to attend the opening in October of this year. Perpignan would meet the costs of accommodation and other associated costs for their time there, the City Council would just have to pay for the flights.


It was suggested that, to reduce the cost of flights the Mayor and Mayoress should attend without a third person.


It was agreed that the Mayor and the Mayoress should accept the invitation from Perpignan and the costs should be met from within the existing Mayoral Budget for 2011/2012.


Resolved :


(1)        That the Mayor and Mayoress accept the invitation to attend the opening of            the new International Theatre in Perpignan from 9th to 12th October 2011.


(2)        That the costs of attending be met within the existing Mayoral Budget for             2011/2012.



Principal Area Boundary Review – Lancaster and Wyre pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of Head of Governance.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Governance on a suggested boundary review for Lancaster and Wyre.


It was reported that a request had been submitted to the Local Government Boundary Commission by a Wyre resident in 2007, for a boundary change to bring Lower Dolphinholme within the Ellel ward of Lancaster City Council.


Members were advised that the Local Government Boundary Commission were able to conduct two types of review – a principal area boundary review, as was being requested where the boundary between two councils was reviewed, or an electoral review. An electoral review would consider the number of Councillors, number of constituents and the ward boundaries within the wards of a district.  The Council had, in March 2011, agreed to request the Boundary Commission to undertake a review of the district prior to the 2015 elections due to an electoral imbalance in Ellel. The request to bring Lower Dolphinholme within Ellel ward would impact further on this imbalance.


It was noted that the Boundary Commission had advised that a principal review would be undertaken before a possible electoral review.


The Committee was informed that the Ward Councillors for Ellel had been consulted and supported the review.


Members discussed the suggested review and agreed that it should be taken forward.


Resolved :


That the Committee supports the suggested review of the boundary between Lancaster and Wyre in the Lower Dolphinholme area and authorises the Head of Governance to respond to the Boundary Commission accordingly.


Appointments to Committees and Changes to Membership


Group Administrators were invited to put forward nominations for any changes to memberships of committees. The change submitted by the Labour Group was accepted.


Resolved :


That the following nomination and change to membership of committees be accepted.


Labour Group


Overview and Scrutiny Committee                              Add Margaret Pattison as a                                                                                         substitute