Agenda and minutes

Council Business Committee - Thursday, 3rd September 2009 5.00 p.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall

Contact: Debbie Chambers, Democratic Services 

No. Item



Minutes of meeting held on 25th June, 2009 (previously circulated). 



The minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2009 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Chairman pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


The Vice-Chairman informed the meeting that in accordance with Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, she had agreed to consider an item of urgent business regarding a consultation response on the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Community Engagement Framework. A decision was required urgently to comply with the deadline for the partner consultation exercise.


Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership Community Engagement Framework - Consultation


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) presented a report to seek the Committee’s response to the Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership’s (LDLSP) Community Engagement Framework consultation.


The Committee considered the framework document and a draft suggested response to the consultation, which were both appended to the report.


Considering the draft response, the Committee approved the suggestion to develop a reference list of contacts for local groups and organisations to assist partners in any consultation exercise. Members wished to add that they would like to see such a  contact list produced as quickly as possible.


It was noted that the framework would be presented to Council on 16 September 2009. 




(1)             That the draft response, attached at Appendix A to the report, be agreed

            subject to adding that the Council would like the reference list of contacts (referred to in paragraph 7) to be done as soon as possible.


(2)             That the Committee recommends that the Community Engagement Framework be adopted by Council, subject to the outcome of the consultation exercise not significantly changing the draft documents, and that all future engagement work undertaken by the Council follows the principles of engagement set out in the document.


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) and the Head of Corporate Strategy left the meeting at this point.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Local Councillor Shadowing Scheme pdf icon PDF 12 KB

Additional documents:


The Principal Democratic Support Officer presented a report to inform Members of a request from ‘The Youth of Today’ to participate in the Local Councillor Shadowing Programme.


Members were advised that the programme aimed to link young people with Councillors for 25 hours worth of shadowing activities over a period of between one and six weeks. Participating councils would be paid a bursary of £120 for each young person at the end of the programme to cover food and travel expenses incurred by the young person together with any costs incurred by the council.


The Committee discussed how the young people would be selected for the programme, and queried whether this would be on a voluntary basis.


Members also discussed the financial implications of the programme, querying whether the £120 bursary would be sufficient to cover the cost of undergoing a CRB check on top of other expenses.  Members also enquired as to whether Councillors who already held a current CRB certificate would need to undergo a further check.


The Principal Democratic Support Officer agreed to report back to the Committee at its next meeting with further information and answers to the queries raised.




That the Council’s participation in ‘The Youth of Today’ Local Councillor Shadowing Programme be approved, in principle, subject to further information and satisfactory responses to the queries raised.


Member Development Strategy Review pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


The Principal Democratic Support Officer introduced a report which requested the Committee to agree the revised Member Development Strategy 2009/10.


Members were reminded that at its meeting on 25 June 2009 Council Business Committee had reviewed the Member Development Strategy in light of new Corporate Priorities. The Strategy had now been amended to reflect the recommendations made by the committee.


Members were advised that with regard to recommendation 5, all Service Heads and Directors had been requested to identify any issues/areas of work within their Service Business Plans which could be included in the rolling programme. It was reported that Service Heads had been very enthusiastic about the proposal and that several had provided lists of issues/areas of work which could be included in question and answer sessions.


The Committee discussed the importance of ensuring good attendance at these sessions and agreed to convey the relevant information to members of their respective groups.




That the amended Member Development Strategy 2009/10 be adopted.


Appointments to Committees and Changes in Membership


Group Administrators were invited to put forward nominations for any changes to memberships of committees. The changes submitted by the Green and Independent Groups were accepted.


Resolved :


That the following nominations and changes to membership of committees be accepted.


Licensing Regulatory Committee

Remove Councillor Heath

Add Councillor Forrest


Planning Regulatory Committee

Remove Councillor Taylor

(add Councillor Taylor as a substitute)

Add Councillor Marsland