Agenda and minutes

Council Business Committee - Wednesday, 24th May 2006 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Lancaster Town Hall

Contact: Gillian Noall, Head of Democratic Services - telephone (01524) 582060 or email 

No. Item


Appointment of Vice-Chairman


It was agreed unanimously that Councillor Evelyn Archer be appointed Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2006/07.




That Councillor Evelyn Archer be appointed Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2006/0.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 13 KB

The Terms of Reference as agreed by Council on 12th April 2006 and set out in Part 3, Section 13 of the Constitution are attached for information.


The Head of Democratic Services outlined that the Terms of Reference were presented for information.  It was noted that there had been a specific delegation from Council to the Business Committee for the approval of the outstanding elements of the Corporate Plan 2006/07.




That the report be noted.


Corporate Plan 2006/07 - Priority Outcomes pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Report of the Corporate Director (Finance & Performance)

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) introduced the priority outcomes for the Corporate Plan 2006/07, which required approval and had been delegated to the committee. It was noted that this was the first time that the priority outcomes had been presented in this format and suggestions from Members would be appreciated. Members considered the report in some detail and queried the following issues:


Ø      Section 5. Poulton Neighbourhood Management and West End Partnership to be included.

Ø      Section 6. to be clarified whether bulky waste baseline is at 0%.

Ø      Section 4. Date for refurbished toilets to be set as September 2006.

Ø      Section 8.1 Target for fear of crime, to be clarified.

Ø      Section 9.1 ‘Date to be negotiated with Partners’ to be added.

Ø      Section 9.2 Date to be included.

Ø      Section 10. Relevance of the inclusion of West End Masterplan queried.


It was proposed by Councillor Maggie Chadwick, seconded by Councillor Evelyn Archer and subsequently agreed unanimously that ‘the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed, subject to the inclusion of the issues as set out above.




That the Key Performance Indicators of the Priority Outcomes as set out in the Appendix to these minutes be agreed subject to the amendments and clarifications as set out below:


Ø      Section 5. Poulton Neighbourhood Management and West End Partnership to be included.

Ø      Section 6. to be clarified whether bulky waste baseline is at 0%.

Ø      Section 4. Date for refurbished toilets to be set as September 2006.

Ø      Section 8.1 Target for fear of crime, to be clarified.

Ø      Section 9.1 ‘Date to be negotiated with Partners’ to be added.

Ø      Section 9.2 Date to be included.

Ø      Section 10. Relevance of the inclusion of West End Masterplan queried.


Filming and Recording of Meetings pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Report of the Audit Committee. 


Councillor Malcolm Thomas, Chairman of Audit Committee introduced the report which set out the recommendations of his committee with regard to filming and recording of meetings.  It was outlined that the Audit Committee had noted the current logistical difficulties, however on balance had decided to allow filming and recording of meetings.  It was noted that since Audit Committee had made their recommendations, officers had suggested that Council Business Committee and Budget and Performance Panel should be added to the list of meetings where filming should be permitted. It was noted that filming and recording would only be allowed by the recognised press and by prior arrangement with Communications.


It was proposed by Councillor Maggie Chadwick, seconded by Councillor Evelyn Archer and subsequently agreed unanimously ‘that the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed’.




That the constitution be amended as set out below and that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make consequential changes to the Media Guidelines and Protocol in line with the recommendation.


Amendment to Part 4, Rules of Procedure, Section 1 Council


27                Filming and Recording of Council Meetings


The press and media will be allowed to film and record meetings of Council, Cabinet, Audit Committee, Council Business Committee, Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Budget and Performance Panel, which are open to the press and public, so long as notice is given in advance, via the Communications Officer, in accordance with the Council’s Media Guidelines.


Functioning of the Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Report of the Audit Committee. 


Councillor Malcolm Thomas, Chairman of the Audit Committee outlined the recommendations of his Committee which had been developed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in response to difficulties with the operation of the Forward Plan.


It was proposed that Councillor Maggie Chadwick, seconded by Councillor Evelyn Archer and subsequently agreed unanimously that ‘the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed’.




That the constitution be amended as set out below


Amendment to Part 4 Rules of Procedure, Section 2 Access to Information



Subject to Rule 15 (general exception) and Rule 16 (special urgency), a Key Decision may not be taken unless:

(a)        a notice (called here a Forward Plan)  has been published in connection with the matter in question, where this is additional to the published Forward Plan or not included in a monthly update or less than four months notice has been given, reasons for urgency must be given on the notice;

(b)        at least five days have elapsed since the publication of the Forward Plan; and

(c)        where the decision is to be taken at a meeting of the Cabinet or its committees, notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Rule 4 (notice of meetings).


14.1     Period of Forward Plan

Forward plans will be prepared by the leader to cover a period of fourtwelve months, beginning with the first day of the new municipal yearany month.  TheyUpdates will be prepared on a monthly basis. and subsequent plans will cover a period beginning with the first day of the second month covered by theupdate preceding plan.


The Forward Plan must be published at least fourteen days before the start of the period covered.  The Proper Officer will publish once a year a notice in at least one newspaper circulating in the area, stating:


            (iii) that the plan will contain details of the Key Decisions to be made for the four twelve month period following its publication;


            (ix) the dates on each month in the following year on which each when the Forward Plan and updates will be published and available to the public at the Council’s offices. 


Process for Dealing with Consultation Papers pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Report of the Head of Democratic Services.  


The Head of Democratic Services reported that dealing with consultation papers had been delegated to the Committee and outline a number of options available to the Committee in considering a process for this.


It was proposed by Councillor Susan Bray, seconded by Councillor Maggie Chadwick and subsequently agreed unanimously ‘that option 3.2 ii be approved in relation to Stage 1 of the process and that a choice of response methods be available.’




That the following process for responding to consultation papers be agreed:


(1)         That on receipt of any consultation papers, the Chief Executive consult with all Members of the Council Business Committee, to decide whether the Council should respond and how a response should be agreed.  This consultation to be undertaken electronically with strict deadlines for response. 


(2)         That, if it is decided that a response should be made, the consultation paper be either referred to political groups and non-aligned Members to respond individually, to officers to prepare a draft response to be approved by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Council Business Committee members, to officers to respond directly or other variation at the discretion of those consulted.


(3)         That, where there is no agreement between the Members consulted, the Chief Executive will act on the majority view.


Timetable of Future Meetings pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Report of the Head of Democratic Services.


It was agreed that the Committee should meet on2nd Thursday of each month, at Morecambe Town Hall at 4pm. Except 29th June 2006, which will be held at Lancaster Town Hall.




That the Committee should meet on 2nd Thursday of each month, at Morecambe Town Hall at 4pm. Except 29th June 2006, which will be held at Lancaster Town Hall.