Venue: Morecambe Town Hall
Contact: Eric Marsden - Democratic Services: email
No. | Item | |||||
Minutes Minutes of meeting held on 19th June 2023 (previously circulated). Minutes: The minutes of 19th June 2023 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Items of Urgent Business authorised by the Chair Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Councillors of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Councillors are reminded that, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting). Whilst not a legal requirement, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 and in the interests of clarity and transparency, Councillors should declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, at this point in the meeting. In accordance with Part B Section 2 of the Code Of Conduct, Councillors are required to declare the existence and nature of any other interests as defined in paragraphs 8(1) or 9(2) of the Code of Conduct.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Hillside Farm Lancaster Road Heaton With Oxcliffe Morecambe PDF 364 KB Erection of 100MW energy storage facility including 50 energy storage battery units within steel shipping containers, and ancillary development including substation, transformers, transformer compound, underground cabling, inverters, switchgear, control/switch room, office/site store building, creation of hardstanding, erection of 3m security fencing, access gates, seven 3m CCTV masts and associated balancing pond, landscaping, access track and parking and the change of use of existing farm house and farm building to ancillary offices. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor John Hanson:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Timescale; 2. Approved plans; 3. Decommissioning and removal in the event of the site becoming non-operational; 4. Construction Environmental Management Plan; 5. Construction Traffic Management Plan; 6. Surface water drainage strategy, Construction Surface Water Management Plan, Sustainable Drainage System Operation and Maintenance Manual and Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System; 7. Biodiversity mitigation and enhancement plan; 8. District Level Licencing Confirmation; 9. Details of materials: colour and finish to containers; details of fencing; details of surfacing; details of building materials and finishes; 10. Details of external lighting; 11. Soft landscaping scheme; 12. Details and installation of access track and parking; 13. Development in accordance Preliminary Ecological Appraisal; 14. Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System. |
Land East Of Hazelrigg Lane Hazelrigg Lane Scotforth PDF 333 KB Construction of a solar farm with associated access and infrastructure to include substation, inverter stations, cabling, landscaping, CCTV and boundary treatments (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2,4,9,13,18,20 and 22 of planning permission 21/01247/FUL to amend the approved layout, scale, landscaping detail, boundary treatment and agree details of construction). Minutes:
A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 12th June 2023 by Councillors Louise Belcher, Martin Bottoms, Dave Brookes, Claire Cozler, Roger Dennison, Alan Greenwell, John Hanson, Paul Newton, Robert Redfern, Sandra Thornberry and Sue Tyldesley. In attendance were Planning Applications Manager Mark Jackson and Principal Planning Officer Jennifer Rehman.
It was proposed by Councillor Sue Tyldesley and seconded by Councillor Tom Fish:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following variations to the conditions:
· conditions 2, 4, 9, 13, 18, 20 and 22 be varied as proposed by the applicant; · conditions 1, 3, 7, 12 and 16 be updated accordingly; · and that conditions 24, 25, 26 and 27 be included to reflect the changes to the development;
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard timescale commencing 9 March 2022 – Updated to reflect original planning permission date; 2. Approved plans – Updated to reflect approved plans list; 3. Implementation of approved landscaping scheme – Updated to reflect approved details; 4. Outline surface water management plan – Updated to reflect approved details; 5. Work outside bird nesting season; 6. Construction Traffic Management Plan; 7. 25 year consent and decommissioning scheme – Updated to reflect approved details; 8. Submission of cabling details; 9. Final Sustainable Drainage Strategy – Updated to reflect approved details; 10. Survey of the adopted highway; 11. Surfacing of access; 12. Provision of visibility splays – Updated to reflect approved details; 13. Implementation of a programme of archaeological works – Updated to reflect approved details; 14. Invasive species method statements; 15. Offsite highways work; 16. Details of materials for substation building, details of final fence design to facilitate the movement of wildlife, details of foundation locations – Updated to reflect approved details; 17. Operation and Maintenance Plan & Verification Report of Sustainable Drainage System; 18. Submission of details and implementation of final BNG measures – Updated to reflect approved details; 19. Construction Phase Surface Water Management Plan; 20. Submission and implementation of final landscape and biodiversity management plan – Updated to reflect approved details; 21. Wheel washing facilities; 22. Implementation of hedgerow planting to mitigate glint and glare – Updated to reflect approved details; 23. Employment Skills Plan; 24. Development in accordance with AIA addendum – New condition to reflect approved details; 25. Submission and agreement of a Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement – New condition to reflect approved details; ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Heysham Business Park Middleton Road Middleton PDF 384 KB Demolition of existing buildings and erection of employment units (Class E(g)/B2/B8) and a new gate house with associated service yards, parking areas, realigned spine road and landscaping. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Sandra Thornberry:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard 3 year timescale; 2. Approved plans; 3. Construction management plan; 4. Assessment and remediation of contamination; 5. Final Surface Water Sustainable Drainage Strategy; 6. Construction Surface Water Management Plan; 7. Ecology mitigation including: great crested newts; no clearance/ demolition during bird nesting season without survey confirming absence; removal of invasive species; provision of bird boxes; creation of amphibian hibernacula; details of external lighting; and details of information boards regarding recreational pressure to Morecambe Bay; 8. Employment and Skills Plan; 9. Installation of electric vehicle charging points including infrastructure for future points, and details of secured cycle storage; 10. Sustainable Drainage System Operation and Maintenance Manual; 11. Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System; 12. Creation of parking, turning and footway; 13. In accordance with energy and sustainability statement; 14. Implementation of landscaping scheme; 15. Biodiversity net gain maintenance; 16. Restriction of use classes to E(g)/B2/B8. |
Ward Field Farm Main Road Galgate PDF 387 KB Reserved matters application for the demolition of existing agricultural buildings, retention and residential conversion of stone barn for up to 2 dwellings and erection of up to 67 dwellings with associated access (pursuant to the removal of conditions 1 and variation of conditions 2,3,4,6, 7,8 and 10 on reserved matters application 19/01100/REM to account for details already approved by planning conditions and to accommodate changes to the development arising from the relocation of the proposed bus layby). Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor John Hanson and seconded by Councillor Alan Greenwell:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 12 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and one abstention, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following variation to conditions:
1. Approved Plans list to reflect amended plans and approved details to previous condition 6; 2. Car Parking Layout Plan; 3. Development to be carried out in accordance with Materials Statement and supporting plans; 4. Architectural details for the barn conversion; 5. Play equipment to be provided in accordance with agreed details; 6. Amended Landscaping Scheme; 7. Landscaping Maintenance Scheme; 8. Removal of PD; 9. Garage use restriction. |
Land And Buildings South Of Number 52 Low Road Middleton PDF 437 KB Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of 9 dwellings with access, parking, the raising of site levels and construction of retaining wall. Minutes:
A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 12th June 2023 by Councillors Louise Belcher, Martin Bottoms, Dave Brookes, Claire Cozler, Roger Dennison, Alan Greenwell, John Hanson, Paul Newton, Robert Redfern, Sandra Thornberry and Sue Tyldesley. In attendance were Planning Applications Manager Mark Jackson and Principal Planning Officer Jennifer Rehman.
It was proposed by Councillor Sandra Thornberry and seconded by Councillor John Hanson, contrary to the officer’s recommendation in the report:
“That the application be approved on the grounds that the flooding risk was to be addressed; the site was located in a village; an earlier application had been granted (since lapsed); and there was potential for development in the area; subject to conditions as specified by officers.”
Upon being put to the vote, 7 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with 6 against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved on the grounds that the flooding risk was to be addressed; the site was located in a village; an earlier application had been granted (since lapsed); and there was potential for development in the area; subject to conditions as specified by officers:
1. Standard 3 year timescale; 2. Development in accordance with approved plans; 3. Surface water drainage scheme; 4. Drainage of foul water; 5. Materials; 6. Highways; 7. Construction and environmental management plan; 8. Construction and traffic management plan; 9. Biodiversity Net Gain; 10. EV charging points; 11. Garages – Permitted Development Rights; 12. Homeowner packs; 13. Boundary treatments; 14. Land levels. |
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 12:30 and reconvened at 13:00. |
Green Ayre Public Open Space Parliament Street Lancaster PDF 307 KB Construction of climbing wall to the side of existing skate park. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Robert Redfern and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Timescale for commencement; 2. Plans; 3. Details of surface material; 4. Construction and Environmental Management Plan. |
Lancaster City FC Giant Axe Field West Road Lancaster PDF 309 KB Retrospective application for the siting of a retail pod in car park. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Sally Maddocks and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to additional condition regarding the timing of car collection.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions and subject to additional condition regarding the timing of car collection:
1. 278 works required within 6 months; 2. Hours of opening of the retail pod; 3. The collection of cars from the site shall not be collected on match days and/or grass root fixtures; 4. The collection of cars from the site shall be subject to a Management Plan. |
Lancaster City FC Giant Axe Field West Road Lancaster PDF 294 KB Advertisement application for the retrospective display for the siting of a retail pod in car park. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Sally Maddocks and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Timescales valid for 5 year period; 2. No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site; 3. No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to obscure or hinder various transportation signs or signals; 4. Any advertisement displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a condition that does not impair the visual amenity of the site; 5. Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a condition that does not endanger the public; 6. Where an advertisement is required under the Regulations to be removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public or impair visual amenity. |
Lancaster City Council White Lund Depot White Lund Road Morecambe PDF 443 KB Retrospective application for the temporary siting of 2 portable buildings to provide office space. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor John Hanson and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved and delegated back to the Head of Planning and Climate Change and subject to the following conditions:
1. Temporary 6 months. |
58 Lister Grove Heysham Morecambe PDF 301 KB Erection of a single storey extension to the rear and construction of a hipped roof extension above existing garage. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor Sue Tyldesely and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Timescales. 2. Development to accord with plans. |
29 Patterdale Road Lancaster Lancashire PDF 297 KB Erection of single storey rear extension. Minutes:
It was proposed by Councillor John Hanson and seconded by Councillor Robert Redfern:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard Planning Permission Timescale; 2. Development in accordance with approved plans.
Minutes: The Chief Officer - Planning and Climate Change submitted a Schedule of Planning Applications dealt with under the Scheme of Delegation of Planning Functions to Officers.
That the report be noted. |