Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday, 13th May 2024 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall

Contact: Debbie Chambers, Senior Manager, Democratic Support & Elections/Deputy Monitoring Officer - email 

No. Item

Councillor Jackson Stubbs

Before starting the meeting, the Mayor welcomed the newly elected Councillor for Carnforth and Millhead ward, Councillor Jackson Stubbs, to his first Council meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillors Matt Black, Brett Cooper, Andrew Gardiner, Sally Maddocks, Sophie Maddocks, Joyce Pritchard, Sam Riches and John Wild.



To receive as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the City Council held on 24 April 2024 (previously circulated). 


The minutes of the Council meeting held on 24 April 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



To receive declarations by Councillors of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. 

Councillors are reminded that, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting). 

Whilst not a legal requirement, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 and in the interests of clarity and transparency, Councillors should declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, at this point in the meeting. 

In accordance with Part B Section 2 of the Code of Conduct, Councillors are required to declare the existence and nature of any other interests as defined in paragraphs 8(1) or 9(2) of the Code of Conduct. 



No declarations of interest were made.



To receive any announcements which may be submitted by the Mayor or Chief Executive.  


No announcements were made.


Executive Arrangements, the scheme of delegation to officers and amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 431 KB

To consider the report of the Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections, note the Leader’s Executive Arrangements and approve the non-executive scheme of delegation contained in the Constitution and appended to the report. (Report published on 9 May 2024.)

Additional documents:


A report was presented setting out the Leader’s executive arrangements, including the Cabinet Members and their portfolio areas. The Scheme of Delegation to Officers from the Council’s constitution was also appended to the report to allow Council to confirm the non-executive delegations within the Scheme.


A list of Cabinet Members and their portfolios is appended to these minutes for information.


No questions were raised.


Councillor Phil Black  proposed:


“That the non-executive delegations in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be confirmed.”


Councillor Caroline Jackson seconded the motion. There was no debate.


Resolved (unanimously):


(1)        That the Leader’s executive arrangements, including the executive arrangements to officers, be noted.


(2)        That the non-executive delegations in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be confirmed.



Allocation of seats to political groups pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Report of the Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections.


Published 08 May 2024

Additional documents:


The Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections had submitted a report to advise Council of the calculations relating to the allocation of seats in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to allow Council to appoint to committees as required at the annual meeting.


The report set out that the numbers in the political groupings on the Council were exactly the same as they had been at the start of the 2023 municipal year, immediately following the May elections.


Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Cozler proposed:


“That in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Part 4 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations, 1990, the City Council approves the calculations and allocation of seats set out in the report, including the adjustments set out in paragraph 4 of the report.”


There was no debate. The proposition was carried unanimously when put to the vote.


Resolved (unanimously):


That in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Part 4 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations, 1990, the City Council approves the calculations and allocation of seats set out in the report, including the adjustments set out in paragraph 4 of the report.



Appointment of Overview and Scrutiny and Committee Members pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To receive nominations and appoint Members to serve on the under-mentioned Overview and Scrutiny bodies and Committees, in accordance with the political balance arrangements agreed at Item 8.


(a)   Overview and Scrutiny Committee (9 Members)

(b)   Budget and Performance Panel (9 Members)

(c)   Planning Regulatory Committee (15 Members)

(d)   Licensing Committee (10 Members)

(e)   People and Organisational Development Committee (7 Members)

(f)    Appeals Committee (7 Members)

(g)   Audit Committee (7 Members)

(h)   Standards Committee (7 Members)

(i)    Council Business Committee (7 Members)


A list of nominations had been circulated by Democratic Support before the meeting from the Labour, Green and Liberal Democrat groups.


The Green group pointed out that Councillor Hamilton-Cox’s name should appear on the list as a substitute for the Planning Regulatory Committee in place of Councillor Russell.


The Conservative and MBI groups confirmed that their committee membership would remain the same as 2023/24.


Councillor Hanson proposed “that the nominations made by all groups be approved”, seconded by Councillor Dennison. The proposition was carried. The full list of appointments is appended to this set of minutes.




That the nominations made by all groups be approved (the appointments are shown on the appendix to these minutes).


Appointment of Chairs

To receive nominations and appoint Chairs to each of the under-mentioned bodies noting that, in accordance with the terms of reference in the Council’s Constitution, only non-Cabinet Members are entitled to vote on (a) and (b) below:-


(a)        Overview and Scrutiny Committee – shall not be a member of the largest political group with members serving on the Cabinet.

(b)        Budget and Performance Panel – shall not be a member of the largest political group with members serving on the Cabinet.

(c)        Planning Regulatory Committee

(d)        Licensing Committee

(e)        People and Organisational Development Committee - recommended to include at least one Cabinet Member

(f)         Appeals Committee

(g)        Audit Committee – shall not be a Member of Cabinet or Overview and Scrutiny

(h)        Standards Committee

(i)         Council Business Committee





The Chairs of each Committee were appointed unopposed for the 2024/25 municipal year, as follows:


Councillor Cooper for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (proposed by Councillor Hart, seconded by Councillor Dennison).


Councillor Hunter for the Budget and Performance Panel (proposed by Councillor Blaikie, seconded by Councillor Bottoms).


Councillor Thornberry for the Planning Regulatory Committee (proposed by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Gawith).


Councillor Sally Maddocks for the Licensing Committee (proposed by Councillor Tynan, seconded by Councillor Wood).


Councillor Harris for the People and Organisational Development Committee (proposed by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson).


Councillor Armistead for the Appeals Committee (proposed by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Bradley).


Councillor Stubbins for the Audit Committee (proposed by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Dennison).


Councillor Hamish Mills for the Standards Committee (proposed by Councillor Tynan, seconded by Councillor Wood).


Councillor Whitaker for the Council Business Committee (proposed by Councillor Gawith, seconded by Councillor Redfern).




That the following Councillors be appointed Chairs for the municipal year 2024/25:


Councillor Cooper - Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Hunter - Budget and Performance Panel

Councillor Thornberry - Planning Regulatory Committee

Councillor Maddocks (Sally) - Licensing Committee

Councillor Harris - People and Organisational Development Committee

Councillor Armistead - Appeals Committee

Councillor Stubbins - Audit Committee

Councillor Mills (Hamish) - Standards Committee

Councillor Whitaker- Council Business Committee


Appointments to Outside Bodies, Partnerships and Boards including the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel pdf icon PDF 234 KB

To consider the report of the Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections

Additional documents:


Council considered its appointments to outside bodies, partnerships and boards.


It was noted that not all Councillors had responded to Democratic Support with their attendance information in time for agenda publication, hence there were some blank rows in the appendix to the report.


Councillor Wood proposed:


(1)        That Council reconfirms its appointments to outside bodies as set out in Appendix 1b of the report except for the following two bodies:


a)    That nominations be sought for the vacancy on the LGA Coastal Issues Special Interest Group at this meeting


b)    That the basis of appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel be by nomination and voting at Council and that nominations be sought for the vacancy at this meeting


(2)        That Council notes that the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Joint Scrutiny Committee no longer meets.


(3)        That Council confirms that all appointments made or reconfirmed at this meeting will extend until the next City Council elections in 2027.


The proposition was seconded by Councillor Brookes and clearly carried when put to the vote.


Councillor Brookes nominated Councillor Tyldesley for appointment to the LGA Coastal Issues Special Interest Group. Councillor Hamish Mills seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations, therefore Councillor Tyldesley was appointed.


Councillor Wood nominated Councillor Pattison for appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel, with Councillor Armistead as a substitute. Councillor Hanson seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations, therefore Councillor Pattison was appointed, with Councillor Armistead as a substitute.




(1)        That Council reconfirms its appointments to outside bodies as set out in Appendix 1b of the report except for the following two bodies:


a)    That Councillor Tyldesley be appointed to the LGA Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.


b)    That the basis of appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel be by nomination and voting at Council and that Councillor Pattison be appointed to the Panel, with Councillor Armistead as a substitute member.


(2)        That Council notes that the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Joint Scrutiny Committee no longer meets.


(3)        That Council confirms that all appointments made or reconfirmed at this meeting will extend until the next City Council elections in 2027.