Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 5th March 2014 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall

Contact: Jenny Kay, Democratic Services - telephone (01524) 582065 or email 

No. Item



Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th January, 2014 (previously circulated). 


The Minutes of the meeting held on 29th January, 2014 were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a correct record.


Public Health in the Lancaster District

A representative from the County Council’s Public Health Team will be in attendance.


The Vice-Chairman welcomed Clare Platt, Public Health Specialist from Lancashire County Council, to the meeting.


The Committee was given details of the work undertaken by the Public Health team in the district. It was noted that the role of Public Health was to prevent disease, prolong life and promote health through the organised efforts and informed choices of society, organisations, public and private, communities and individuals.       


Members were advised that Public Health was responsible for directly commissioning Public Health services; providing Public Health leadership and support to NHS Commissioners; Lancashire County Council, District Councils, the Third Sector and other partners; leading the development of the Health and Wellbeing Board; developing new relationships with Clinical Commissioning Groups and Public Health England, to improve health and well being outcomes and lastly contributing to the development of national policies


It was reported that there were 6 policy objectives for Lancashire :


·         Give every child the best start in life

·         Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

·         Create fair employment and good work for all

·         Ensure a healthy standard of living for all

·         Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

·         Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention


Details of statistics for the Lancaster District were presented to the Committee which highlighted specific problems where the district was significantly worse compared to the rest of the country. These included smoking in pregnancy, starting breast feeding, alcohol specific stays for under 18s, drugs misuse, hospital stays for self harm, acute sexually transmitted infection, life expectancy, smoking related deaths, heart disease, strokes and road injuries and deaths.


Conversely, the district compared well to the rest of the country on obesity, homelessness, children in poverty, long term unemployment diabetes and new cases of tuberculosis.


Members went on to ask a number of questions relating to the statistics.


It was agreed that further information on the statistics on a ward to ward basis should be provided for the Committee.


Concern was raised over the introduction and potential harm of electronic cigarettes particularly in young people.


It was agreed that the Committee would request the Education Authority to provide its policy on electronic cigarettes within its schools.


It was further agreed that the Government guidance for employers on E-cigarettes would be circulated to the Committee once it had been published.



Resolved :-


(1)    That Clare Platt be thanked for her attendance at the meeting.


(2)    That further information on the statistics on a ward to ward basis be provided for the Committee.


(3)    That the Committee request the Education Authority for its policy on electronic cigarettes within its schools.


(4)    That the Government guidance on E-cigarettes be circulated to the Committee once it had been published.



Update on Health Scrutiny

Councillor Paul Gardner, the Council’s representative on the County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee, has been invited to the meeting.


The Vice-Chairman welcomed Councillor Paul Gardner, the City Council’s representative on the County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee, to the meeting.


Councillor Gardener gave a brief overview of the meetings he had attended since being appointed as the Council’s representative on the Health Scrutiny Committee. Topics considered included Morecambe Bay University Hospital Trust, the Better Care Together consultation, Dementia Services including Altham Meadows, North West Ambulance Service, complaints and Public Health.


It was agreed that Councillor Gardner would circulate the agenda of the Health Scrutiny Committee once he received it to the Committee.


Resolved :-


(1)       That Councillor Gardner be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.


(2)       That the agenda of the Health Scrutiny Committee be circulated to the Committee.



Consideration of any requests for Councillor Call for Action (in accordance with the process)


It was noted that there had not been any requests for items to be considered in accordance with the Councillor Call for Action process.




Consideration of any Petitions (in accordance with the process)


It was noted that there had not been any requests for items to be considered in the accordance with the Consideration of Petitions process.





Locality Working


It was noted that the Three Tier Forum had not met since the last meeting of the Committee.


Work Programme Report pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Head of Governance. 

Additional documents:


The Democratic Support Officer presented the Committee’s Work Programme report.


An update was given on the Dementia Friendly pilot that the Committee had agreed at the January meeting.


Members were requested to consider if they wished to undertake any further work on CCTV.


It was agreed that the Committee would request information on the review the Police and Crime Commissioner was going to undertake on this issue across Lancashire, and that the Committee request an update on CCTV provision before Cabinet consider a report being prepared on this issue.


The Committee considered a request from Councillor Caroline Jackson regarding a proposal to reduce Lancaster Fire Station’s current capacity of 2 fire engines to 1 in 2017. Concern was expressed over the proposals and it was agreed to invite the Risk Management Planning Team from Lancashire Fire and Rescue to a future meeting to discuss this further.


Members were requested to consider whether they wished to undertake a piece of work regarding flood defences in the district.


It was agreed that a briefing note from the County Council on flood defence issues would be requested.


It was reported that the Committee would receive an update on the Better Care Together consultation at its meeting in June, with all Members of Council invited to attend.


Resolved :-


(1)       That information on the review of CCTV across Lancashire by the Police and Crime Commissioner be requested.


(2)       That the Committee request an update on CCTV provision before Cabinet consider a report being prepared on this issue.


(3)       That the Risk Management Planning Team from Lancashire Fire and Rescue be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss the proposal to reduce Lancaster Fire Station’s current capacity of 2 fire engines to 1 in 2017.


(4)       That a briefing note on flood defence issues be requested from the County Council.


(5)       That the Committee receive an update on the Better Care Together consultation at its meeting in June, with all Members of Council invited to attend.