Issue - meetings

Palatine Hall Dalton Square Lancaster

Meeting: 16/12/2024 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 81)

81 Palatine Hall Dalton Square Lancaster pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Listed building application for the installation of a new rear service door including a roller shutter, replacement windows and door, alterations to courtyard windows and internal alterations including alterations to doors, new partitions, new ramp and freestanding booth (Pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on listed building consent 23/00637/LB to amend the design to include alterations of stud walls to glazed partition, replace existing doors with partition walls, to reduce the size of freestanding booth and omit the ramp and removal of condition 3 following the submission of details relating to the south facing courtyard window).




Listed building application for the installation of a new rear service door including a roller shutter, replacement windows and door, alterations to courtyard windows and internal alterations including alterations to doors, new partitions, new ramp and freestanding booth (Pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on listed building consent 23/00637/LB to amend the design to include alterations of stud walls to glazed partition, replace existing doors with partition walls, to reduce the size of freestanding booth and omit the ramp and removal of condition 3 following the submission of details relating to the south facing courtyard window).

Castle Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Robert Redfern:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 14 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.     VCN Timescale (from decision date of 23/00637/LB).

2.     Works in Accordance with Amended Plans and Details.