78 Land At Middleton Business Park Middleton Road Middleton PDF 386 KB
Outline application for the erection of industrial buildings (Use Class B2 and B8) including access.
A6 |
23/01182/OUT |
Outline application for the erection of industrial buildings (Use Class B2 and B8) including access. |
Overton Ward |
A(C/106) |
It was proposed by Councillor Colin Hartley and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:
“That the application be approved subject to additional conditions relating to illustrative plans and an Arboricultural Implications Assessment and to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Planning and Climate Change to ensure:
· that relevant conditions reflect the requirements of the emerging Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan Development Plan Documents (DPDs) should it be adopted before the completion of the s106;
· and subject to a s106 agreement to secure an area of land for dedication as highway to provide a vehicular link to Imperial Road;
and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 14 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to additional conditions relating to illustrative plans and an Arboricultural Implications Assessment and to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Planning and Climate Change to ensure:
· that relevant conditions reflect the requirements of the emerging Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan Development Plan Documents (DPDs) should it be adopted before the completion of the s106;
· and subject to a s106 agreement to secure an area of land for dedication as highway to provide a vehicular link to Imperial Road;
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard timescale for submission of reserved matters and commencement.
2. Approved plans.
3. Concurrent with the first reserved matters application. Submission of a strategy to demonstrate a net gain in biodiversity.
4. Concurrent with the first reserved matters application, details of noise mitigation measures.
5. Ecology mitigation including: great crested newts; updated survey; no clearance/ demolition during bird nesting season without survey confirming absence; removal of invasive species; provision of bird boxes; creation of amphibian hibernacula; details of external lighting.
6. Investigation and remediation of contamination.
7. Submission of surface water sustainable drainage strategy.
8. Construction surface water management plan.
9. Construction management plan.
10. Travel Plan.
11. Employment and skills plan.
12. Construction details of the internal roads and details of management and maintenance.
13. Details of sustainability measures including in relation to energy efficiency and renewable energy.
14. Installation of electric vehicle charging points including infrastructure for future points, and details of secured cycle storage.
15. Construction of access to base course prior to construction of rest of development
16. Creation of parking and turning.
17. Submission of sustainable drainage system operation and maintenance manual.
18. Verification report of constructed sustainable drainage strategy.
19. Landscape management and maintenance plan for BNG for minimum of 30 years.